How do I become a clinic patient?

How do I become a clinic patient?

Lietuvos Respublikos gyventojas ar užsienietis turi teisę kreiptis į Žaliakalnio polikliniką gauti pirminėms bei antrinėms asmens sveikatos priežiūros paslaugoms. Jei asmuo yra draustas privalomuoju sveikatos draudimu, jis gali registruotis poliklinikoje ir gauti privalomojo sveikatos draudimo fondo lėšomis kompensuojamas (nemokamas) asmens sveikatos priežiūros paslaugas. Asmenys, kurie nedrausti privalomuoju sveikatos draudimu, turi mokėti už apsilankymus pas gydytojus pagal klinikos direktoriaus įsakymu patvirtintus įkainius.

Subscription to the Primary Health Care Centre of Žaliakalnio poliklinika UAB is done in the following ways:

  1. Not during quarantine by turning up at the office and presenting proof of identity;
  2. by submitting form 025-025-1/a by email, signed with an electronic qualified signature (you will be able to choose which family doctor you want to see when you apply);
  3. by post or courier, together with a copy of your identity document;
  4. Patients agreeing to sign up remotely (telephone, e-mail, fax and other means of identification) should provide a signed scanned or photographed form 025-025-1/a and a copy of their identity document or other means of identification of the patient and their means of communication. This method is only possible if an emergency or quarantine has been declared in the country or municipality in which the person resides and the person is unable to submit the application by the methods set out in points 1 to 3 of this procedure. Asmuo formos Nr. 025-025-1/a originalą per 30 kalendorinių dienų.

Registration form (Žaliakalnis polyclinic, Savanorių pr. 125, Kaunas):

Subscription Registration of the PASPO Form ZP

Please note that:
- You will be able to choose the doctor you want to subscribe to;
- You do not need to hand over your medical card yourself - this will be done by the staff of the unit you choose;
- You must bring proof of identity (passport, ID card or birth certificate) with you at the time of registration;
- The minor's application to become a patient at the clinic is signed by a parent or guardian, stating his/her name;
- It is free of charge when you sign up with a medical facility.

Why should you choose Žaliakalnis Polyclinic?
- Primary care services are free of charge for patients registered at the clinic (e.g. consultations with a family doctor, dentist, some tests, etc.).
- For those services and some tests that are chargeable (not funded by the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund), discounts are available to all patients who have registered with the clinic.