Preventive check-ups for children

Preventive check-ups for children

The Žaliakalnis polyclinic provides health check-ups for children of all ages, both registered and non-registered patients.

2.1. Newborn babies - from birth to 28 days of age;
2.2. Infants - from birth to 1 year of age;
2.3. early years - from 1 to 4 years of age;
2.4. for children of middle age - from 4 to 10 years of age;
2.5. for adolescents between the ages of 10 and 18 years.

Preventive health check-ups for children and schoolchildren are carried out in accordance with the requirements for health check-ups set out in the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania "On preventive health check-ups in health care institutions" (31.05.2000, No.301).

Health checks for children and adult pupils are carried out by a family doctor and a paediatrician. Immunoprophylaxis is carried out in accordance with the calendar of preventive vaccinations for children of the Republic of Lithuania, approved by the Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Lithuania No V-283 of 27 February 2014 "On the Approval of the Calendar of Preventive Vaccinations for Children of the Republic of Lithuania".

Preventive health checks are also carried out to obtain various health certificates.

*Pre-registration is required.