
Initial obstetrician-gynaecologist consultation and ultrasound examination 65 €
Initial consultation and ultrasound examination by a professor obstetrician-gynaecologist 80 €
Obstetric ultrasound 45 €
Gynaecological ultrasound examination 45 €
Obstetrician-gynaecologist consultation 45 €
Initial consultation with a professor obstetrician-gynaecologist without an ultrasound examination 55 €
Initial consultation with an obstetrician-gynaecologist without an ultrasound examination 50 €
Re-consultation with Professor Obstetrician-Gynaecologist 50 €
Re-consultation with an obstetrician-gynaecologist 45 €
Cervical colposcopy and biopsy 80 €
Full pregnancy monitoring (for non-subscribers) 600 €
Ultrasound diagnosis of early pregnancy with a ventral transducer 35 €
Spiral insertion** (for patients of Žaliakalnis polyclinic UAB) 30 €
Introduction of the spiral 50 €
Spiral removal (for patients of Zaliakalnis polyclinic UAB) 10 €
Spiral removal 20 €
Fallopian tube patency testing 100 €
Genetic testing of the first third of pregnancy (PRISCA) combined with ultrasound (11 weeks +0 days - 13 weeks +6 days screening) 150 €
Diagnosis of thrombophilias 230 €
** For patients of our clinic * For diagnostic support, the necessary laboratory and pathological tests are carried out, the prices of which are specified in the "UAB Žaliakalnis polyclinic laboratory tests price list".
Service Price, Eur
Consultation with an endocrinologist (consultation + echoscopy) 70 €
Re-consultation by a specialist for the same condition 45 €
Thyroid and anterior cervical organ echoscopy 40 €
Consultation with an endocrinologist without echoscopy 55 €
Diagnostic support includes the necessary laboratory and pathological tests, the prices of which are specified in the "UAB Žaliakalnis polyclinic laboratory tests price list". *Price change came into force on 20 July 2022 by Order No.2022/0720-01
Service Price, Eur
Expert cardiology consultation (consultation + cardiac echocardiography) (40 min.) 175 €
Primary cardiology consultation (without UG) 80 €
Initial consultation with a cardiology expert (without UG) 95 €
Re-consultation with a cardiologist 55 €
Re-consultation by an expert cardiologist 70 €
Electrocardiogram (ECG) 5 €
Cardiologist teleconsultation (consultation + evaluation of tests) 120 €
Holter heart test 70 €
The change in prices came into force on 3 May 2023 by Order No.2023/0503-01
Service Price, Eur
Paediatric cardiology consultation (consultation + cardiac echocardiogram + ECG) 60 €
* Diagnostic support includes the necessary laboratory and pathological tests, the prices of which are specified in the "UAB Žaliakalnis polyclinic laboratory tests price list".
Study Price, Eur
Comprehensive echoscopic examination for women (thyroid, breasts, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, bladder, aorta). 100 €
Comprehensive echoscopic examination for men (thyroid, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, bladder, aorta and prostate). 100 €
Abdominal ultrasound (liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, adrenal glands, bladder). 55 €
Hepatopancreatic echocardiography (liver, gallbladder). 45 €
Urogenital echoscopy (kidneys, bladder, uterus, ovaries (female), prostate (male)) - with a ventral transducer. Drink fluid for 2 hours before the examination, arrive with a full bladder). 45 €
Thyroid echoscopy 40 €
Breast echoscopy and examination of axillary, subacromial, supraclavicular lymph node groups 55 €
Single-organ echoscopy 40 €
Single joint echoscopy 40 €
Echocardiography of two joints 50 €
Three-joint echoscopy 55 €
Echocardiography of a single small mass 30 €
Abdominal aortic echocardiography 40 €
Echocardiography of the deep/superficial veins of the arm or leg 40 €
Vascular echoscopy of the neck 45 €
Chest wall echocardiography (for fluid or air in the pleural cavities, for fluid in the pericardial cavity, for diagnosis of displaced rib fractures) 45 €
The change in prices came into force by Director's Order No.2024/0102-01
Study Code Study Price, Eur Price, Eur* Price, Eur**
3642 CBC Complete blood count (5 diff.) (NGS norm) 6 € 10 €* 5 €
The TB test is carried out on site 10 € 16 €
A gr. Streptococcus test 10 € 15 €
3644 ENG Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (HR norm) 6 € 10 €*
3645 GLU Determination of plasma glucose concentration (NGS rate) 6 € 7,5 € 5 €
3646 GLU Determination of plasma glucose concentration (sample after 2 hours) (NGS rate) 6 € 7,5 €
3647 Determination of CRB C reactive protein (NGS rate) 8 € 11 € 5 €
CRB performance in Mxa 22 € 16,5 €
3648 UTI Total urine test (UTI rate) 6 € 8,5 € 5 €
3649 K Determination of potassium concentration (GW rate) 6 € 8,5 €
3650 Determination of Na Sodium concentration (NGS rate) 6 € 8,5 €
3653 CREA Determination of creatinine concentration (NGS rate) 6 € 8,5 €
3654 ASAT Aspartate aminotransferase activity determination (NGS rate) 6 € 8,5 €
3655 ALT Alanine aminotransferase activity determination (NGS rate) 6 € 8,5 €
3657 ALP Determination of alkaline phosphatase activity (NGS rate) 6 € 8,5 €
3658 TBIL Determination of total bilirubin concentration (BUN rate) 6 € 8,5 €
3661 ACR Urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio (UF rate) 6 € 8,5 €
3662 PSA Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) 10 €* 16 €*
3668 GLU Determination of serum glucose concentration (NGS rate) 6 € 8,5 €
3669 GLU Determination of serum glucose concentration (sample after 2 hours) (NGS rate) 6 € 8,5 €
3673 GLU Determination of plasma glucose concentration (1 hour sample) (NGS rate) 6 € 8,5 €
3674 GLU Determination of serum glucose concentration (1-hour sample) (NGS rate) 6 € 8,5 €
3675 Determination of TSH Thyrotropin concentration (NGS rate) 10 €* 15 €*
3678 Lipidogram (CHOL, HDL, TRIG, LDL calculated) (CG rate) 7,5 € 9,5 €
3681 UA Determination of uric acid concentration (Uric acid rate) 6 € 8,5 €
3682 Coprogramme (SG norm) 10 €* 12 €*
3683 Featherworm eggs (adhesive film m.) (NGS rate) 5 € 9 €
3601 PA/INR(p) Prothrombin activity (Program) 8,5 € 12 €
3604 RPR Syphilis antibody detection with the RPR test (Programme for pregnant women) 5 € 9 €
3610 PSA (P) Prostate specific antigen (Program) 10* € 15 €*
3612 iFOB Covert Bleeding Response (Programme) 9 €* 11 €* 4 €
3630 ABO+Rh(D) Blood group and rhesus factor in pregnancy (Program) 6 € 10 €
3633 GLU Serum glucose (Program) 6 € 8,5 €
3634 GLU Plasma Glucose (Program) 6 € 8,5 €
3635 HbA1c (P) Glycosylated haemoglobin (Program) 12 €* 15 €*
3637 Lipidogram (CHOL, HDL, TRIG, LDL calculated) (App) 7,5 € 9,5 €
3638 aRh Rhesus antibodies (Pregnancy Programme) (Note: if RhD positive, the test will not be performed) 6 € 9,5 €
3639 PT/INR Prothrombin time test (Pre-operative Programme) 8,5 € 12 €
3640 ADTL Activated Partial Thromboplastin Timing (Pre-operative Programme) 7,5 € 9,5 €
3641 Pre-operative programme: ABO+Rh(D) Blood group and rhesus factor 6 € 10 €
3672 Combined HIV (Pregnant women programme) 6 € 10 €
6098 HBsAg Hepatitis B virus(s) antigen detection by immunoassay (Pregnant women programme) 10 € * 13 €*
6099 GLU Determination of plasma glucose concentration (1 hour sample) (Program) 6 € 8,5 €
6100 GLU Determination of plasma glucose concentration (sample after 2 hours) (Programme) 6 € 8,5 €
6152 Urine culture (pregnant women programme) 15 €* 25 €*
7606 aHCV Hepatitis C virus antibody detection (Programme) 13 €* 16 €*
7624 NT-pro-BNP N-terminal B-type sodium urethane peptide (Program) 18 € 25 €
7602 HPV high-risk DNA (PCR) (cytology liquid medium) of 14 genotypes (16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66, 68) (35-59 years, every 5 years) (Programme) 0 €
3423 Cervical cytology (PAP) test in liquid medium (HPV AR positive programme) 0 €
3403 Cervical cytology (PAP) (25-34 years every 3 years) (Programme) 0 €
3404 Oncocytological examination of gynaecological smears LIQUID TERPE (app)* 16 € 26 €
* only for liquid media
3401 Female genital tract oncocytology test (PAP Oncocytology gynaecological smear test) 16 € 26 €
3402 Oncocytological examination of gynaecological smears LIQUID TERPE 16 € 26 €
3411 Immunocytochemicals CINtecPLUS 60 € 80 €
3412 Urine test for atypical cells 20 € 30 €
1201 K Determination of potassium concentration 6 € 8,5 €
1202 Determination of Na Sodium concentration 6 € 8,5 €
1203 Determination of Ca Calcium concentration 6 € 8 €
1204 Ca++ Ionised calcium (calculated) 7,5 € 9,5 €
1205 Fe Iron 6 € 8,5 €
1206 Mg Magnesium in serum 6 € 8,5 €
1231 P Determination of phosphorus concentration 6 € 8,5 €
1237 Cl Chloride concentration 6 € 8,5 €
1239 Determination of Zn Zinc concentration 20 € 28 €
1244 Li Lithium 20 € 28 €
1246 With Selenas 20 € 28 €
* potassium and sodium are used together
2101 Determination of TSH Thyrotropin concentration 10 €* 15 €*
2102 EN4 Determination of free thyroxine concentration 9 €* 14 €*
2103 EN3 Determination of free triiodothyronine concentration 9 €* 14 €*
2104 ATPO Determination of thyroid peroxidase antibody levels 14 €* 17 €*
2130 T3 Triiodothyronine 14 €* 19 €*
2131 Tg Thyroglobulin 17 €* 24 €*
2133 T4 Thyroxine 14 €* 17 €*
2132 Detection of anti-TG Thyroglobulin antibodies 17 €* 25 €
2135 Anti-TTHR Antibodies against TTH receptors 30 € 45 €
1601 PT/INR Prothrombin activity 8,5  € 12 €
1602 ADTL Partially activated Thromboplastin time 9 €* 12 €*
1611 D-Dimers 20 € 30 €
1612 FIBR Fibrinogen 10 €* 12 €
1101 CHOL Total cholesterol 6 € 8,5 €
1102 HDL cholesterol 6 € 8,5 €
1103 LDL cholesterol 6 € 8,5 €
1104 TGL Triglycerides 6 € 8,5 €
1174 Atherogenicity index (derived from the CHOL and HDL tests) 6 € 8,5 €
1105 GLU Serum glucose 6 € 8,5 €
1108 GLU Plasma glucose 6 € 8,5 €
1110 HbA1c Glycosylated haemoglobin 12 €* 15 €*
1111 CRB C-reactive protein 8 € 11 €
1112 TBIL Determination of total bilirubin concentration 6 € 8,5 €
1113 DBIL Determination of direct (conjugated) bilirubin concentration 6 € 8,5 €
1114 IBIL Determination of indirect bilirubin concentration 6 € 8,5 €
1115 ASAT Determination of Aspartate aminotransferase activity 6 € 8,5 €
1116 ALT Alanine aminotransferase activity determination 6 € 8,5 €
1117 GGT Gammaglutamyltransferase activity determination 6 € 8,5 €
1118 ALP Alkaline phosphatase 6 € 8,5 €
1119 P-AMYL Determination of pancreatic amylase activity 6 € 8,5 €
1120 Determination of AMYL α-amylase activity 6 € 8,5 €
1121 FER Ferritin 13 €* 18 €*
1122 UA Uric acid 6 € 8 €
1123 UREA Hooker 6 € 8,5 €
1124 CREA Creatinine 6 € 8,5 €
1127 Determination of ALB albumin concentration 6 € 8,5 €
1131 LIP Lipase 6 € 8,5 €
1138 TRF Determination of transferrin concentration 12 € 25 €
1139 TS Transferrin saturation (saturation) 12 € 25 €
1158 Determination of CK creatine kinase activity 7,5 € 9,5 €
1159 LDH Lactate dehydrogenase 7,5 € 9,5 €
1170 TP Determination of total protein concentration 6 € 12 €
1173 GFG Glomerular filtration rate (by CKD-EPI: creatinine) 5 € 10 €
1174 Atherogenicity index (derived from the CHOL and HDL tests) 6 € 8,5 €
1175 LDL Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol determination (direct, measurable) 6 € 8,5 €
1176 djCRB High-sensitivity CRB concentration detection 13 € 18 €
1172 Serum protein fractions by electrophoresis 25 € 35 €
7651 CDT (disialotransferrin) test 35 € 45 €
7607 Blood gas and pH (acid-base balance) test (arterial or venous or capillary) 35 € 45 €
7636 HOMA-IR index (derived from the INS and GLU tests) 6 € 9 €
1301 CBC Complete blood count (5 diff.) 6 € 7,5 € 5 €
1302 Differential counting of leukocytes (Leukogram) 5 € 7 €
1306 ENG (Westergren way) 6 € 7,5 €
7617 Platelet analysis from a citrate tube 9 € 15 €
1823 AGA IgA Antibodies to gliadin 15 € 20 €
1824 AGA IgG Antibodies to gliadin 15 € 20 €
6116 Anti-beta2-GP1G IgG antibodies against beta2-glycoprotein 1 25 € 30 €
6117 Anti-beta2-GP1M IgM antibodies against beta2-glycoprotein 1 25 € 30 €
1842 LA1 Lupus anticoagulant 1 47 €* 60 €*
1839 tTG IgA Antibodies to tissue transglutaminase 25 € 30 €
1840 Coeliac IgA (atTG IgA + DGP IgA + total IgA) 35 € 50 €
3223 DGP IgG Antibodies to deamidated gliadin protein epitopes 25 € 30 €
3224 tTG IgG Antibodies to tissue transglutaminase 25 € 30 €
3246 DGP IgA Antibodies to deamidated gliadin protein epitopes 25 € 30 €
3249 EMA IgA IgA antibodies against endomysium 25 € 30 €
3250 EMA IgG Antibodies IgG against endomysium 25 € 30 €
3251 DQ2/DQ8 haplotypes in celiac disease 60 € 75 €
1401 UTI Total urine test 6 € 6,5 € 5 €
1402 Microscopy of urine sediment 5 € 9 €
4102 Urine culture (both positive/negative) 15 €* 25 €*
1406 CRE Creatinine in daily urine 6 € 8 €
1407 ACR Urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio 6 € 9,5 €
1409 Drug test report in Urine (12 groups) 20 € 25 €
5002 Drug test report in Urine (10 groups) 15 € 20 €
7649 Creatinine clearance (derived from CREA (sp) and CREA) 6 € 8 €
1501 iFOB Reaction to occult bleeding 9 €* 12 €*
1502 Worm eggs 5 € 9 €
1503 Featherworm eggs (sticky film m.) 5 € 9 €
1504 Protozoa in a faecal smear 5 € 9 €
1505 Coprogramme 10 €* 12 €*
1506 HP-Ag Helicobacter pylori antigen in faeces 16 € 21 €
1507 Rotavirus in faeces 13 € 19 €
1508 Adeno virus in faeces 13 € 19 €
4227 Detection of norovirus in faeces 30 € 40 €
1513 Detection of Rho/Aden virus in faeces 15 € 20 €
3217 Calprotectin 30 € 40 €
6072 Lactoferrin 30 € 40 €
1701 ABO/Rh(D) Blood group and rhesus factor (on plane) 6 € 10 €
1702 aRh Rhesus antibodies 6 € 10 €
1703 ABO/RhDp Blood group and rhesus factor (columnar) 6 € 10 €
1813 IgA Determination of Immunoglobulin A concentration 15 €* 17 €*
1814 Determination of IgG Immunoglobulin G concentration 14 €* 17 €*
1815 Determination of IgM Immunoglobulin M concentration 14 €* 17 €*
1129 RF Quantification of rheumatoid factor 11 €* 15 €*
1802 AKA IgG Anticardiolipid antibodies IgG 26 € 35 €
1804 AntiACR Antibodies to acetylcholine receptors 35 € 45 €
1807 Anti-GBM Antibodies against the glomerular basement membrane 35 € 45 €
1808 Anti-CCP IgG antibodies to cyclic citrulline peptide 22 € 28 €
1809 AMA Antimitochondrial antibodies 22 € 28 €
1810 AntidsDNA Antibodies against double-stranded DNA 35 € 45 €
1812 AKA Anticardiolipid antibodies (total) IgG/A/M 40 € 55 €
1816 ANCA Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies 15 € 25 €
1817 ANA Anti-nuclear antibodies (antinuclear antibodies) 16 € 25 €
1841 APC-R Resistance to activated protein C 26 € 35 €
7625 Coagulation factor V 45 € 60 €
1825 HLA B27 Ag Human leukocyte class I antigen HLA B27 detection 45 € 60 €
1829 Complement C3 26 € 36 €
1830 Complement C4 26 € 36 €
7618 ENA-7 Antibodies to nuclear-secreted antigens (nRNP/Sm, Sm, SS-A, Ro-52, SS-B, Scl-70, Jo-1) (Confirmatory study by western blot) 80 € 110 €
7619 ENA-16 Antibodies to nuclear-secreted antigens (nRNP/Sm, Sm, SS-A, Ro-52, SS-B, Scl-70, PM-Scl, Jo-1, CENP B, PCNA, dsDNA, nucleosomes, histones, ribosomal P protein, AMA-M2, DFS70) (Confirmatory study by western blot) 90 € 115 €
7620 ENA-23 Antibodies to nuclear secreted antigens (dsDNA, nucleosomes, histones, SS-A, Ro-52, SS-B, nRNP/Sm, Sm, Mi-2α, Mi-2β, Ku, CENP A, CENP B, Sp100, PML, Scl-70, PM-Scl100, PM-Scl75, RP11, RP155, gp210, PCNA, DFS70) (Confirmatory study by western blot) 95 € 120 €
1140 CPN Ceruloplasmin 22 € 35 €
1172 Serum protein fractions by electrophoresis 28 € 35 €
1818 Bone resorption marker (beta - Cross Laps) 15 € 22 €
1819 Osteocalcin N-Mid 15 € 22 €
2216 C-peptide (fasting) 15 € 22 €
2233 C-peptide (after meals) 15 € 22 €
3217 Calprotectin 50 € 60 €
3218 NT-pro-BNP N-terminal B-type sodium urethane peptide 18 € 25 €
6104 Lp(a) Lipoprotein (a) 18 € 25 €
2243 PIGF Placental growth factor; 42 € 55 €
2244 sFlt-1 Soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1; 50 € 60 €
1171 CK-MB Determination of the mass of cardiac isoenzyme creatine kinase 15 € 25 €
3513 Microscopic examination of reticulocytes 6 € 8 €
1199 MYO Determination of myoglobin concentration 38 € 45 €
2221 Somatomedin C (IGF-1 growth factor) 25 € 32 €
3244 DAO Diaminoxidase 45 € 55 €
6063 Serum bile acids 40 € 55 €
1901 IgG antibodies to the tick-borne encephalitis virus 14 €* 18 €*
1902 IgM antibodies to the tick-borne encephalitis virus 14 €* 18 €*
1904 IgG antibodies against Borellia spp. (Lyme borreliosis) 14 €* 18 €*
1905 IgM antibodies against Borellia spp. (Lyme borreliosis) 14 €* 18 €*
1906 IgG antibodies to Borellia WesternBlot met. 38,5 € 47,5 €
1907 IgM antibodies against Borrellia WesterBlot met. 38,5 € 47,5 €
1911 IgG (postvaccinal) antibodies for erectile encephalitis 32 € 45 €
2201 LAI Free Androgen Index (derived from SHBG and TESTO) 3,5 € 5 €
2202 HCG Chorionic Gonadotropin (pregnancy test) 15 €* 25 €*
2306 Cancer marker fBHCG Free beta chorionic gonadotropin 12 € 20 €
2203 E2 Estradiol 12 € 25 €
2204 E3 Estriol free 15 € 20 €
2205 DHEA-S Dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate 16 € 25 €
2206 SHBG (sex hormone-binding globulin) 16 € 25 €
2207 TEST Testosterone 10 €* 15€*
2208 PRL Prolactin 15 €* 22 €*
2209 PRG Progesterone 12,5 € 21,5 €
2210 FSH Follicle-stimulating hormone 12 €* 17 €*
2211 LH Luteinising hormone 15 €* 25 €*
2212 PAPP-A Pregnancy plasma protein A 20 € 28 €
2213 fBC Free beta human chorionic gonadotropin 56 € 65 €
2222 AMH Antimullerian hormone 55 €* 65 €*
1130 TT Troponin T 65 € 75 €
2231 Prenatal risk assessment (I) PRISCA I 55 € 65 €
2232 Prenatal risk assessment (II) PRISCA II 55 € 65 €
* PRISCA 1: PAPP-A Pregnancy Plasma Protein A + fBC Free beta Human Chorionic Gonadotropin * PRISCA 2: HCG Chorionic Gonadotropin + E3 Estriol Free + AFP Alpha Fetoprotein
1137 CALCT Calcitonin 25 € 35 €
1145 ACTH Adrenocorticotropic hormone 25 € 35 €
2214 INS Insulin (after meals) 15 € 25 €
2215 INS Insulin (fasting) 15 € 25 €
2216 C-peptide (fasting) 15 € 25 €
2233 C-peptide (after meals) 15 € 25 €
2217 CORTv Determination of evening cortisol levels (15-17 hours) 15 € 25 €
2218 CORTr Morning cortisol levels (7-9 hours) 15 € 25 €
2219 STH Somatotropic hormone 15 € 25 €
2220 iPTH Determination of serum parathyroid hormone (intact) concentration 15 € 25 €
2223 ALD Aldosterone 15 € 25 €
3220 Determination of renin 35 € 45 €
3501 Genital secretion microscopy (from urethra) 9 €* 13 €*
3502 Genital secretion microscopy (from the cervix) 9 €* 13 €*
3503 Genital secretion microscopy (vaginal) 9 €* 13 €*
3504 Genital secretion micrograph (male, from urethra) 9 €* 13 €*
2301 TPA/NPS tissue/natural polypeptide-specific antigen 40 € 50 €
2302 S100 Melanoma marker S 100 40 € 50 €
1511 M2-PK Cancer marker Tumor M2-PK faeces 60 € 75 €
2304 Determination of AFP α fetoprotein concentration 15 € 25 €
2305 CEA Determination of carcinoembryonic antigen concentration 15 € 25 €
2306 Cancer marker fBHCG Free beta chorionic gonadotropin 25 € 35 €
2307 Ca19-9 Cancer marker Ca 19-9 15 € 25 €
2308 Ca15-3 Cancer marker Ca15-3 15 € 20 €
2309 Ca125 Cancer marker Ca 125 15 € 20 €
2310 Cyfra 21-1 25 € 35 €
2311 Ca 72-4 25 € 35 €
2312 FPSA Free prostate-specific antigen 15 € 25 €
2313 PSA Prostate-specific antigen 10 €* 15 €*
2314 Determination of PSA, fPSA and fPSA/PSA ratio (from tests) 18 € 28 €
2315 Cancer marker He4 38 € 45 €
2316 ROMA estimate (from Ca 125 and He4) 5,5 € 9,5 €
Sexually transmitted diseases (Serological diagnostics)
2402 IgG antibodies against Chlamydia trachomatis 15 € 25 €
2403 IgM antibodies against Chlamydia trachomatis 15 € 25 €
2405 Syphilis antibody detection with the RPR test 7 €* 10  €*
2406 Detection of syphilis antibodies by TPHA 8 €* 11 €*
2521 HIV Human immunodeficiency virus 1/2 antibodies and p24 Ag detection by immunoassay 9 €* 15 €*
2901 IgA antibodies against Chlamydia pneumoniae 15  €* 20  €*
2903 IgM antibodies against Chlamydia pneumoniae 15  €* 20  €*
2906 IgG antibodies to B.pertussis toxin (pertussis) 18 € 25 €
2908 IgM antibodies against Mycoplasma pneumoniae 15 €* 19 €
2912 IgA antibodies against Mycoplasma pneumoniae 15 €* 25 €
2910 Quaniferon-TB Determination of immune response by gamma interferon levels in vitro by stimulation Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens ESAT-6, CTP- t0 and TB7.7 45 €* 54 €*
3123 Detection of influenza A and B virus antigen 13 € 19 €
Hepatitis A:
2605 aHAV Hepatitis A virus (Anti-HAV) 15 € 25 €
2651 HAVM Hepatitis A virus IgM 16 € 25 €
Hepatitis B:
2641 aHBcM Hepatitis B virus HBcore antibody IgM 16 € 25 €
2603 aHBc Hepatitis B virus HBcore antibody 16 € 25 €
2643 aHBe Hepatitis B virus HBe antibody 16 € 25 €
2644 HbeAg Hepatitis B virus HBe antigen 16 € 25 €
2602 aHBs Hepatitis B virus HBs antibody 16 € 25 €
2601 HBsAg Hepatitis B virus surface antigen 10 €* 13 €*
Hepatitis C:
2604 aHCV Hepatitis C virus antibody detection 13 €* 16 €*
2684 HCV RNA Hepatitis C virus (quantitative) (by PCR) 75 € 90 €
3101 Parotitis virus IgG 18 € 25 €
3102 Measles virus IgG 15 € 25 €
3103 Measles virus IgM 15 € 25 €
3104 Varicella zoster virus IgM 25 € 35 €
3105 Varicella zoster virus IgG 25 € 35 €
3106 HSV1 IgG Antibodies IgG against Herpes simplex virus type I 15 € 25 €
3107 HSV1 IgM Antibodies IgM against Herpes simplex virus type I 15 € 25 €
3108 IgG antibodies against Herpes simplex virus type II 15 € 25 €
3111 IgG antibodies to EBV capsid antigen (infectious mononucleosis) (Epstein barr) 15 € 5 €
3112 IgM antibodies to EBV capsid antigen (infectious mononucleosis) (Epstein barr) 15 € 25 €
3113 IgG antibodies against Rubella virus 15 € 25 €
3114 IgM antibodies against Rubella virus 15 € 25 €
3115 IgG antibodies against Cytomegalovirus 10,5  € 15,5  €
3116 IgM antibodies against Cytomegalovirus 12 € 18 €
3117 CMV Cytomegalovirus DNA (by PCR) 85 € 95 €
3121 IgG antibodies against Herpes simplex virus type I/II 25 € 35 €
3122 IgM antibodies against Herpes simplex virus type I/II 25 € 35 €
1135 FOL Determination of folic acid concentration 20 € 25 €
1136 VitD 25-OH Determination of vitamin D concentration 18 € 22 €
1141 HCY Homocysteine 26 € 35 €
1193 AB12 Active vitamin B12 20 € 25 €
1254 Vitamin A (Retinol) 78 € 100 €
1250 Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) plasma 100 € 120 €
1251 Vitamin H (Biotin) 55 € 75 €
1252 Vitamin K (Filokinone) 55 € 75 €
1256 Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid) 55 € 75 €
1280 Vitamin E (Tocopherol) 55 € 75 €
6094 Coenzyme Q10 70 € 85 €
6136 Vitamin B3 (nicotinic acid, niacin, PP) 70 € 85 €
1253 Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) 55 € 75 €
1255 Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 55 € 75 €
1281 Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) 55 € 75 €
6092 Omega 3 55 € 75 €
1128 ASLO Antistreptolysin O quantification 10 €* 16 €*
1846 Detection of IgA antibodies to H. Pylori 15 €* 20 €*
Detection of IgG antibodies to H. Pylori 15 €* 20 €*
3204 ToxoA Toxoplasma gondii IgA antibody 13 € 19 €
3205 ToxoG Toxoplasma gondii IgG antibody 13 € 19 €
3206 ToxoM Toxoplasma gondii IgM antibody 13 € 19 €
2407 Syphilis antibodies (Treponema pallidum) IgM/IgG 13 € 19 €
3211 Toxocara canis IgG antibody 15 € 25 €
6046 Toxocara canis IgA 15 € 25 €
3203 Echinococcus granulosus IgG 25 € 35 €
3209 IgA antibodies against Yersinia spp. (Y. enterocolitica, Y. pestis, Y. pseudotuberculosis) 25 € 35 €
3210 IgG antibodies against Yersinia spp. (Y. enterocolitica, Y. pestis, Y. pseudotuberculosis) 25 € 35 €
6047 IgA antibodies against Yersinia enterocolitica WB 75 € 90 €
6048 IgG antibody to Yersinia enterocolitica WB 75 € 90 €
3212 Trichinella spiralis IgG 25 € 35 €
3213 Feline distemper (Bartonella henselae) IgG 25 € 35 €
3214 Feline distemper (Bartonella henselae) IgM 25 € 35 €
3215 Diphtheria IgG antibody detection 25 € 35 €
1837 Candida IgG antibodies 50 € 65 €
1838 Candida IgM antibodies 50 € 65 €
1836 Candida albicans IgA antibody 50 € 65 €
Performing the Covid-19 nasopharyngeal test 15 € 10 €
7579 SARS-CoV-2 (Quantitative) 15 € 20 €
4101 Crop of leafhoppers 13 € 16 €
4103 Faecal diagnostic culture 14 € 16 €
4104 Preventive faecal culture 14 € 16 €
4105 Multi-pathology material culture for fungi (excluding skin, nails and hair), negative 14 € 18 €
4150 Eye swab culture 14 € 18 €
4151 Ear swab culture 13 € 16 €
4152 Laryngeal swab culture for haemolytic streptococci 9 € 15 €
4153 Nasal swabs 14 € 18 €
3505 Nasal secretion test for eosinophilia 13 € 16 €
4155 Nasopharyngeal swab 13 € 16 €
4158 Wound swab culture for aerobic detection 13 € 16 €
4162 Vaginal culture 13 € 16 €
4201 Vaginal culture for Beta haemolytic streptococcus 13 € 16 €
4237 Vaginal culture for Beta haemolytic streptococcus vaginalis (35-37 weeks gestation) 13 € 16 €
4108 Sperm culture 13 € 16 €
4166 Prostate secretory culture 25 € 35 €
4167 A culture from the urinary tract 25 € 35 €
3516 Blood culture (automated) for fungi 18 € 25 €
4217 Blood culture (automated) for aerobes and anaerobes 25 € 35 €
4117 Blood culture (automated) for children 15 € 25 €
3507 Microscopic examination of skin, nails and hair for fungi 18 € 25 €
4194 Skin, nails and hair culture for fungi 25 € 35 €
Part II - Identification of clinically relevant organisms that have grown
If bacterial or fungal growth is detected, a price list for identification of the growths is provided (price depends on, what grows, growths are cumulative)
- Identification of micro-organisms by non-automated test methods 9,00 15,00
Part III - Antibioticogram (identification of appropriate antibiotics)
4202 Antibiogram up to 6 discs 5 € 8 €
4201 Antibiogram up to 12 discs 5 € 8 €
If bacterial or fungal growth is detected, a price list for identification of the growths is provided (price depends on, what grows, growths are cumulative)  
4221 Pleural fluid culture for TM in Bactec medium 4 € 6 €
84241 Identification of Aspergillus spp. 4 € 6 €
84250 Identification of Bacteroides spp. to genus 7 € 9 €
84251 Identification of Bacteroides spp. to species 12 € 15 €
84260 Identification of Campylobacter spp. to genus 7 € 9 €
84261 Identification of Campylobacter spp. to species 7 € 9 €
84270 Identification of Candida spp. to genus 4 € 6 €
84271 Identification of Candida spp. to species 7 € 9 €
84280 Identification of Enterobacter Citrobacter spp. to genus 4 € 6 €
84281 Identification of Enterobacter Citrobacter spp. to species 7 € 9 €
84290 Identification of Clostridium spp. to genus 7 € 9 €
84291 Identification of Clostridium difficile to species 12 € 15 €
84300 Enterobacter spp. Identification of Enterobacter spp. to genus 4 € 6 €
84301 Enterobacter spp. Identification of Enterobacter spp. to species 7 € 9 €
84321 Identification of Haemophilus spp. 12 € 15 €
84331 Identification of Yersinia spp. to species 12 € 15 €
84340 Identification of Enterobacteriaceae Klebsiella spp. to genus 4 € 6 €
84341 Identification of Enterobacteriaceae Klebsiella spp. to species 7 € 9 €
84360 Identification of Peptostreptococcus spp. to genus 7 € 9 €
84370 Identification of Enterobacteriaceae Proteus spp. to genus 4 € 6 €
84371 Identification of Enterobacteriaceae Proteus spp. to species 9 € 12 €
84380 Identification of Enterobacteriaceae Providencia spp. to genus 4 € 6 €
84390 Identification of Pseudomonas spp. to genus 4 € 6 €
84391 Identification of Pseudomonas spp. to species 4 € 6 €
84393 Identification of Pseudomonas stutzeri 9 € 12 €
84400 Identification of Salmonella spp. to genus 7 € 9 €
84401 Identification of Salmonella spp. to species 16 € 19 €
84410 Identification of Enterobacteriaceae Serratia spp. to genus 4 € 6 €
84411 Identification of Enterobacteriaceae Serratia spp. to species 9 € 12 €
84421 Identification of Shigella flexneri to species 9 € 12 €
84431 Identification of Staphylococcus spp. to species 4 € 6 €
84450 Identification of Streptococcus pyogenes (Group A) to genus 9 € 12 €
84460 Identification of Streptococcus agalactiae (Group B) to genus 9 € 12 €
84470 Identification of group C beta haemolytic streptococci 9 € 12 €
84480 Identification of Enterococcus spp. to genus 7 € 9 €
84481 Identification of group D haemolytic streptococci 12 € 15 €
84482 Identification of Enterococcus spp. to species 12 € 15 €
84490 Identification of group F beta haemolytic streptococci 12 € 15 €
84500 Identification of group G beta haemolytic streptococcus 12 € 15 €
84601 Identification of Moraxella catarrhalis 7 € 9 €
84603 Identification of Enterobacteriaceae Escherichia coli 7 € 9 €
84604 Identification of the Enterobacteriaceae Morganella morganii 9 € 12 €
3701 Determination of IgE Total immunoglobulin E concentration 10 €* 13,5  €
3702 EUROIMMUN Mixed allergens (inhaled - food): 55 specific IgE vs 64 120 € 150 €
3707 EUROIMMUN Mixed allergens (inhaled - food): 36 specific Ig E vs 49 120 € 150 €
3708 EUROIMMUN Mixed allergens (inhaled - food): 35 specific IgE vs 42 90 € 120 €
3710 EUROIMMUN Food allergens: 35 specific IgE against 41 90 € 120 €
3713 EUROIMMUN Food allergens: 44 specific IgE vs 51 90 € 120 €
3717 EUROIMMUN Food allergens: 20 sIgE against 20 allergens (FI) 85 € 110 €
3718 EUROIMMUN Inhalant allergens: 20 specific IgE vs 23 85 € 110 €
3721 EUROIMMUN Mixed allergens (inhaled - food): 55 specific IgE vs 61 90 € 120 €
3725 Insect allergen palette 85 € 110 €
3743 FOX Food intolerance 283 IgG 280 € 310 €
3742 Alex² macroarray test for specific IgE against 295 allergens 220 € 300 €
*Not for our clinic patients ** Tests are done on site at the clinic
Study Price, Eur Price, Eur*
Candida albicans (PGR) 14,00 20,00
Chlamydia trachomatis (PGR) 14,00 20,00
Gardnerella vaginalis (PGR) 14,00 20,00
Herpes Simplex Virus (SV ½) (PCR) 14,00 20,00
Mycoplasma hominis (PCR) 15,00 25,00
Mycoplasma genitalium (PGR) 14,00 20,00
Neisseria gonorrhoeae (PGR) 14,00 20,00
Trichomonas vaginalis (PGR) 14,00 20,00
Ureaplasma spp. (PGR) 16,00 25,00
HPV 16 and 18 genotyping1 (PCR) 25,00 30,00
HPV high-risk genotyping (16; 18; 31; 33; 35; 39; 45; 51; 52; 56; 58; 59; 66; 68) (PCR) 38,00 44,00
HPV high-risk and low-risk detection (28 genotypes) (high-risk: 16, 18, 26, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 53, 56, 58, 59, 66, 68, 69, 73, 82; low risk: 6, 11, 40, 42, 43, 44, 54, 61, 70) (PCR) 50,00  62,00
PCR detection of 4 sexually transmitted pathogens (Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Mycoplasma genitalium, Trichomonas vaginalis) 38,00 45,00
Detection of 7 sexually transmitted pathogens (Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Mycoplasma hominis, Mycoplasma genitalium, Ureaplasma urealyticum, Ureaplasma parvum, Trichomonas vaginalis) (PCR) 48,00  55,00
PCR detection of 10 sexually transmitted pathogens (Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Mycoplasma hominis, Mycoplasma genitalium, Ureaplasma urealyticum, Ureaplasma parvum, Trichomonas vaginalis, Gardnerella vaginalis, Candida albicans, Herpes simplex virus ½ (HSV½)) 78,00 88,00
Detection of bacterial vaginosis (PCR) (Gardnerella vaginalis, Atopobium vaginae, Lactobacillus spp.) 30,00 40,00
Candidiasis detection (PCR) (Candida albicans, Candida glabrata, Candida krusei, Candida prapsilosis, Candida tropicalis) 30,00 40,00
HPV high-risk genotyping (16; 18; 31; 33; 35; 39; 45; 51; 52; 56; 58; 59; 66; 68) (PCR) + oncocytology in liquid medium 50,00 60,00
HPV high-risk genotyping (16; 18; 31; 33; 35; 39; 45; 51; 52; 56; 58; 59; 66; 68) (PCR) + oncocytology on a glass slide 45,00 55,00
No.StudyPrice, EurPrice, Eur*
1.Cytopathological examination (centrifuged and filtered swabs of biological fluids, swabs, scrapings, and scrapings, excluding vaginal and cervical swabs) with evaluation12,0020,00
2.Diagnostic cytopathological examination (vaginal and cervical swabs) according to the Bethesda system by a doctor16,0026,00
3.Cytopathological examination (swabs of other localised material) with evaluation18,0025,00
4.Cytopathological examination (swabs of other localised material), expanded (more than 5 preparations and/or additional staining techniques) with evaluation20,0032,00
5.Fine needle aspirate examination, evaluation (in formalin medium)19,5032,00


StudyPrice, EurPrice, Eur*
Liquid media cervical cytology PAP21,0027,00
Cytological examination of liquid media (thyroid, serous cavities, aspirates of solid organs, bronchoalveolar lavage, cyst contents, urine)35,0048,00
Study Price, Eur Price, Eur*
Macroscopic examination of surgical and biopsy material (single histological object) - Level I 6,50 10,50
Macroscopic and microscopic examination of surgical and biopsy material (single histological object) - Level II Circumcision, neonatal. Ductus deferens, sterilisation. Ganglion, sympathetic. Hydrocele sac. Pouch of the hymen, any localisation. Fallopian tube, sterilisation. Meniscus. Nerve, identification. Skin, plastic surgery. Fingers, removal due to trauma. Articular 'mouse'. Testicle, castration. Internal organs, removed due to trauma. Other similar material, level 2. 18,00  25,00

Macroscopic and microscopic examination of surgical and biopsy material (single histological object) - Level III

Abortion, induced. Ocular conjunctiva, biopsy/pterygium. Aneurysm (ventricular/arterial). Peritoneum, other than neonatal. Artery, atheromatous plaque. Bartholin's gland cyst. Cholesteatoma. Thiobrial artery, other than tumour. Diverticulum, oesophagus/small bowel. Ductus deferens, other than sterilisation. Dupuytren's contracture tissue. Ganglion, cyst. Colon, colostomy opening. Haematoma. Haemorrhoids, nodes. Incision, laceration/fistula/growth. Bone fragment, other than pathological fracture or tumour. Worm-like growth. Cartilage, nuogram. Soft tissue, trauma, necrosis, fistula, lipoma. Morgagni cyst. Neuroma, Morton's/traumatic. Skin, cyst/warts/growth/trauma/necrosis. Pilonidal cyst/sinus. Polyps, inflammatory, nasal/sinus. Pustule. Cornea. Carpal tunnel tissue. Tendon/sheath. Salivary gland, mucocele. Testicular appendages. Spermatocele. Intervertebral disc. Greasy sac/synovial cyst. Tonsils and/or adenoids. Gallbladder. Thrombus or embolus. Varicocele. Vein, varicose dilatation. Other analogous material, level 3.

21,00  30,00

Macroscopic and microscopic examination of surgical and biopsy material (single histological object) - Level IV

Abortion, spontaneous. Artery, biopsy. Spleen, except removal due to trauma. Branchiogenic cyst. Bronchus, biopsy. Gums/mouth mucosa, biopsy. Brain/spinal cord, other than tumour resection. Throat, biopsy. Uterine mucosa grafting/biopsy. Cervical canal, gram stain/biopsy. Cervical cervix, biopsy. Pituitary tumour. Bone exostosis. Bone marrow, biopsy. Ovaries, biopsy/pleural resection. Fallopian tube, biopsy. Fallopian tube, ectopic pregnancy. Breast, plastic surgery. Cell block, any localisation. Leiomyoma, uterine myomectomy, without uterus. Tongue, biopsy. Lip, biopsy/pleural resection. Vagina, biopsy. Soft tissue, other than tumour/lipoma/trauma/necrosis. Nerve, biopsy. Nasal mucosa, biopsy. Skin, other than cyst/warts/growth/trauma/necrosis plastic surgery. Odontogenic/tooth cyst. Peritoneum/retroperitoneal space/fat, biopsy. Fingers, amputation, non-traumatic. Placenta. Lung, transbronchial biopsy. Pleura/pericardium, biopsy/tissue. Polyp, cervical/endometrial. Polyp, colorectal. Polyp, stomach/small intestine. Pristine duct, biopsy. Parathyroid gland. Prostate, needle biopsy. Prostate, TUR. Muscle, biopsy. Pharynx, biopsy. Joint, resection. Salivary gland, biopsy. Testis, other than tumour/biopsy/castration. Synovium. Heart valve. Stomach, biopsy. Thyroid-lingual duct. Esophagus, biopsy. Bladder, biopsy. Urethra, biopsy. Femoral head. Tonsils, biopsy. Trachea, biopsy. Vulva/lip, biopsy. Intestine, biopsy. Other analogous material, level 4.

21,00 32,00

Macroscopic and microscopic examination of surgical and biopsy material (single histological object) - Level V

Eye, enucleation. Adrenal glands, resection. Thyobrial gland, tumour. Brain, biopsy. Brain/spinal cord, tumour resection. Limb, amputation, other than tumour. Larynx, partial/total resection. Uterus, with or without fallopian tubes and ovaries, other than tumour. Cervical, conisation. Kidney, biopsy. Kidney, partial/total nephrectomy. Pancreas, biopsy. Bone-biopsy/grams. Bone fragment, pathological fracture. Liver, partial resection/biopsy. Ovary with or without fallopian tube, without tumour. Breast, biopsy. Breast, mastectomy, resection. Lymph nodes, regional resection. Lymph node, biopsy. Soft tissue, biopsy/simple excision, other than tumour or lipoma. Myocardium, biopsy. Skin, biopsy. Skin, excision for mole or tumour. Odontogenic tumour. Lung, wedge biopsy. Prostate, except radical resection. Salivary gland, other than mucocele. Testis, biopsy. Stomach-subtotal/total resection, other than for tumour. Thyroid, whole/split. Bladder, TUR. Ureter, resection/biopsy. Mediastinal tissues. Intestine, segmental resection, other than for tumour. Other analogous material, level 5.

35,00  42,00

Macroscopic and microscopic examination of surgical and biopsy material (single histological object) - Level VI

Limb, amputation due to tumour. Larynx, partial/total resection-with regional lymph nodes. Uterus, with or without appendages, for tumour. External genital organs, total/subtotal resection for tumour. Pancreas, resection. Bone resection. Ovary, for tumour. Breast, mastectomy/quadrantectomy, with regional lymph nodes. Tongue/tonsil, resection for tumour. Soft tissue tumour, resection. Lung, total/split/segment resection. Prostate, radical removal. Testis, tumour. Stomach, subtotal/total resection for tumour. Oesophagus, partial/total resection. Bladder, partial/total resection. Fetus, with dissection. Intestine, resection for tumour. Other analogous material, level 6.

40,00  48,00
Tissue decalcification procedure 6,50 10,50
Special stains for micro-organisms (one unit) 11,00 16,00
Special dyes, all other (one unit) 6,50 10,50
Histochemical staining of cold cuts (1 procedure) 28,00 35,00
Histochemical staining to identify chemical components (e.g. copper, zinc, 1 procedure) 10,50 16,00
Histochemical staining identifying enzymes (one unit) 17,00 26,50
Advice on preparations prepared elsewhere 50,00 75,00
Advice on the preparation of complementary preparations 50,00 75,00
Consultation with detailed analysis of clinical and pathological data 65,00 90,00
Consultation of a pathologist anatomist during surgery 26,00 37,00
Intraoperative (emergency) biopsy with frozen sections, single histological object 28,00 38,00
Intraoperative (emergency) biopsy - each additional block of tissue with a cold incision 16,00 26,00
Immunohistochemical analysis of each antibody 50,00 75,00
Immunohistochemical staining CINtec PLUS 65,00 75,00
Production of serial and step sections of a single histological object 6,00 12,00
Additional fee for urgent (CITO) examinations 85,00 100,00
StudyPrice, EurPrice, Eur*
Cervical cytology smear test service*Free 
Cervical biopsy material testing service *Free 
HPV high-risk genotyping (16; 18; 31; 33; 35; 39; 45; 51; 52; 56; 58; 59; 66; 68) (PCR)*Free 
Cervical cytology smear test service* from liquid medium when HPV positiveFree 
Colorectal biopsy material testing service (5 pieces of tissue)*Free 
Biopsy of the prostate gland (at least 6 columns)*116,00130,00


StudyPrice, EurPrice, Eur*
Cervical cytology smear test service* from liquid medium15,0020,00
Cervical cytology smear test service from liquid medium (HPV negative)15,0020,00

*The word "PROGRAMME" must be written on the delivery note

Service Price, Eur Price, EUR (for patients insured by PSDF - patients registered with the clinic)
Consultation on therapeutic treatment 15 € 3 €
Infiltration anaesthesia 7 € 5 €
Wired anaesthesia 10 € 7 €
Superficial anaesthesia 3 € 1 €
Sealing with a light-cured composite small filling 45-55 € 30-40 €
Light-curing composite medium filling 50-65 € 35-45 €
In-place curing composite large filling 55-70 € 40-50 €
Anterior tooth filling 55-100 € 25-55 €
Aesthetic tooth filling 60-120 € 50-95 €
Sealing with SJC chemically cured small seal 27 € 17 €
Sealing with SJC chemically cured medium seal 32 € 22 €
Sealing with SJC chemically cured large seal 35 € 30 €
Treatment of tooth sensitivity with fluoride varnish (1 tooth) 5 € 3 €
Treatment with the cofferdam system 12 € 7 €
Coltosol temporary seal 7 € 5 €
Temporary seal IRM 18 € 10 €
Urgent help 15 € 0 € (+ cost of materials used)
Tooth reinforcement with fibreglass strip (1 tooth) 27-33 € 17-22 €
Professional oral hygiene 50-65 € 40-50 €
Professional oral hygiene with implants 55-65 € 45-50 €
Professional oral hygiene for children up to 12 years 30-35 € 0 €
Home teeth whitening kit (whitening caps for both jaws, cap box, 2 syringes of whitening gel) 130 € 130 €
Bleaching cap 75 € 75 €
Bleaching agent (1 syringe) 13 € 13 €
In-office teeth whitening with the Beyond Polus Advanced system in one jaw 95 € 95 €
In-office teeth whitening with the Beyond Polus Advanced system for both jaws 175 € 175 €
Myorelaxation kappa (Brux kappa) 85 € 70 €
Tooth treatment with the ICON system 50-75 € 45-65 €
Aesthetic filling polishing (1 tooth) 3-6 € 3-6 €
Doctor's consultation 12 € 0 €
Endodontic treatment of the deciduous tooth 25 € 15 €
Tooth silant 15-25 € 0 €
Tooth filling with chemically hardened SJC filling for children (small) 17 € 0 €
Tooth filling with a chemically hardened SJC filling for children (medium) 22 € 0 €
Tooth filling with chemically hardened SJC filling for children (large) 27 € 0 €
Tooth filling composite filling for children (small) 22-27 € 12 €
Tooth filling composite filling for children (medium) 27-32 € 17 €
Tooth filling composite filling for children (large) 35-45 € 23 €
Issuing a school certificate 8 € 0 €
Dressing during a surgical procedure 6 € 4 €
Pulling a tooth or root is easy 45-60 € 40-55 €
Difficult tooth or root extraction 60-100 € 50-85 €
Removal of a protruding mental tooth 55-100 € 45-90 €
Surgical removal of an underdeveloped mental tooth 85-140 € 75-110 €
Osstem dental implant 555 € 545 €
Straumann dental implant 645 € 635 €
Disposables during surgery 15 € 15 €
Healing head 65 € 65 €
Suture (one sterile pack of needle and suture) price subject to change 6 € 5 €
Ulcer opening (incision) 17 € 7 €
Sewing 5 € 3 €
Tooth crown lengthening 50-75 € 45-70 €
Cystectomy 90-160 € 80-150 €
Removal of the gums around the mental tooth 50-60 € 40-50 €
Treatment of pericoronaritis, alveolitis (1 procedure) 25 € 20 €
Root apex resection (removal) without/Su retrograde canal filling 90-190 € 80-180 €
Soft/hard tissue manipulation 90-400 € 70-400 €
Dental X-ray 7 € 5 €
Removing threads 14 € 7 €
Straightening a milk tooth 15 € 0 €
Canal cleaning and shaping (1 piece) 30-35 € 25-30 €
Canal filling with gutta-percha (1 channel) 30-40 € 25-30 €
Introducing calcium into a single canal 12 € 8 €
Calcium hydroxide application (replacement) 10 € 8 €
Applying (changing) medication 12 € 6 €
Seal correction 10 € 3 €
Removable V/Ž and A/Ž plate denture (plate) 320 € 310 €
Plate repair (fracture, clamp fixation, tooth) From 50 € From 45 €
Plate rebasing From 50 € From 45 €
Thermoplastic hoop (white hooks, soft) 520 € 500 €
Metal ceramic crown 260 € 245 €
Zirconia ceramic crown 320 € 305 €
Metal-ceramic crown on implant (without parts) 265 € 240 €
Zirconia ceramic crown on implant (without parts) 340 € 320 €
Lithium disilicate E-max crown 320 € 305 €
Tooth veneer From 400 € From 400 €
Restoring a tooth with a fibreglass pin (pin, filling) 75 € 55 €
Temporary plastic crown (made in the clinic) 45 € 35 €
Temporary plastic crown (made in the dental technicians' laboratory) 60 € 50 €
Permanent plastic crown 100 € 90 €
Crown cementation/priming 25 € 15 €
Cutting off the crown 25 € 17 €
Alginate impression 15 € 10 €
Silicone impression 25 € 15 €
Bite register 10 € 8 €
Individual spoon 30 € 20 €
Metal cult pad 70-110 € 60-100 €
Subluxation (1 tooth) 30-35 € 25-30 €
Diagnostic models 35 € 20 €
*Not for our clinic patients ** Tests are done on site at the clinic
Service Price, Eur Price, EUR (for patients insured by PSDF - patients registered with the clinic)
Initial consultation with a family/child doctor 55 € 0 €
Re-consultation with a family/child doctor 35 € 0 €
Re-consultation with a family/child doctor within 2 weeks 35 € 0 €
Brief consultation with a family/child doctor, 5-10 min. Extension of sick leave, comment on tests 25 € 0 €
Brief telephone or email consultation with a family/child doctor 30 € 0 €
Patient counselling at home (excluding transport costs) 55 € 40 €*
Travel up to 5-10 km to see a patient (transport costs) 65 € 35 €*
Traveling 10-20 km to see a patient (transport costs) 75 € 50 €*
*Patients without the need for an ASPN.
Service Price, Eur Price, EUR (for patients insured by PSDF - patients registered with the clinic) Additionally
Drivers' medical certificate (family doctor service) 20 € 15 €
Drivers' medical certificate (psychiatrist service) 15 € 13 € + certificate from your PSC if you wish 8 Eur*
Professional drivers (family doctor service) 30 €* 20 €
Driving professionals (psychiatrist service) 30 €* 15 € + certificate from your PSC if you wish 8 Eur*
Preventive health check-up (GP service) 28 €* 18 €* + TB test by workplace 10 Eur
Preventive health check-up in high-risk conditions (family doctor service) 35 €* 20 €*
Medical certificate (PSC) for persons working/employed in a work environment with potential occupational risks (exposure to harmful agents, hazardous work) 15 € 10 €
Athlete health check F068/a 10 €*
Certificate for the purchase of a civilian weapon (for self-defence, hunting) (Family Doctor Service) 30 €* 20 €
To purchase a civilian weapon (for self-defence, hunting) certificate (Psychiatrist service) 30 €* 15 € + Certificates 15 Eur**
Preventive check-ups for seafarers and inland waterway transport specialists and for navigators of motorised pleasure craft and other motorised watercraft (in the course of their employment) (Family Doctor Service) 30 €* 20 €
Preventive check-up (in the course of employment) for seafarers and inland waterway transport professionals and for navigators of motorised pleasure craft and other motorised watercraft (Psychiatrist service) 30 €* 15 €
Hygiene skills training 25 € 20 €

*Ordering a certificate from the last PSC where the patient was enrolled is FREE, ordering certificates from other PSCs before that is EUR 8, the amount corresponds to the number of certificates ordered.

**For persons who have declared their place of residence in Kaunas city/region, certificates from the Addiction Diseases and Mental Health Centres.

CodeServicePrice, EurPrice, EUR (for patients insured by PSDF - patients registered with the clinic)
 Document forwarding service 5 €
 Extract from health history (Family doctor)15 €10 €
 Health history extract, urgent (Family doctor)25 €15 €
 Preparation of a full copy of the outpatient record on request (urgent within 3 days)25 €16 €
 Preparation of a full copy of the mental health record on request (urgent within 3 days)25 €16 €
 Medical certificate (for clubs, doctors/nurses wishing to take out a licence, students wishing to take academic leave, etc.) 15 €
 Preparation of medical documents for insurance 15 €
 Medical certificate for minors enrolled in education and employment25 €-
 Child health certificate15 €-
 Medical certificate for travelling abroad 10 €
 Empty workbook3 €2 €
CodeName of servicePrice, EurPrice, EUR (for PSDF-insured patients - patients registered with the clinic)
 Certificate of registration of mental disorders-8 €
 Certificate of registration of addiction disorders15 €8 €
 Obtaining a certificate from a mental health centre for private patients15 € 
 Consultation with a psychiatrist80 €-
37006Child and adolescent psychiatrist consultation60 €0 €
38001Initial admission of an addiction psychiatrist40 €0 €
38002Repeat admission of an addiction psychiatrist35 €0 €
38014Psychological consultation50 €From 7 to 25 €
 Social worker35 €-
 Consultation with a psychotherapist65 €-
 Psychological examination complete150 €-
 Psychological examination incomplete100 €-
 Extract from health records (PSC)15 €10 €
 Health record extract, urgent (PSC)25 €15 €
 Medical certificate if you want to become a child's guardian (carer) 10 €
 Medical certificate (PSC) for admission to vocational, post-secondary and higher education institutions15 €10 €
 Medical certificate (PSC) for persons working/employed in a work environment with potential occupational risks (exposure to harmful agents, hazardous work)15 €10 €
 Medical certificate issued by a psychiatrist (certificate to carry medication, for medical purposes, academic leave, etc.)15 €10 €

According to the Law on Health System of the Republic of Lithuania (Article 49(5)), if the patients on their own initiative choose more expensive services, materials, procedures, the difference between the actual prices of these services, materials, procedures and the basic prices of free services, materials, procedures shall be paid by the patients themselves in accordance with the procedure established by the Ministry of Health. If patients entitled to free personal health care services choose additional services or procedures on their own initiative, they shall pay the cost of these services or procedures themselves.

Preventive health checksPrice, EurPrice, Eur (for patients insured by PSDF - patients who have subscribed to the clinic)
Going abroad50 €40 €
Professional drivers (on the job, in employment)70 €*40 €
For amateur drivers not insured in Ukraine60 €*-
For railway workers, employment, work40 €*25€
Certificate for the purchase of a civilian weapon (for self-defence, hunting)70 €*55 €
Medical certificate for drivers55 €*28 €
Employment, work and access to employment for Ukrainians working in occupational risk conditions
not insured with a TB test
45 €-
Drivers' medical certificate without a psychiatric consultation, on presentation of certificates.45€*-
Employment of workers at occupational risk40 €*18 €
Workers exposed to harmful physical, chemical or biological agents at the time of employment or
working for
45 €*20 €

*The price includes blood tests, psychiatric and family doctor consultations, but does not include the ordering of necessary certificates or specialist consultations.


Persons wishing to obtain a gun must register at the clinic's branches for a primary consultation with a family doctor.

Persons wishing to obtain a medical certificate for a weapon must have the following at the time of their initial consultation with a family doctor:

  • Proof of identity;
  • A reference from your workplace;
  • Certificates from: RPLC and psychiatrist;

The clinic can collect the necessary certificates at set prices.


The service is provided by a family doctor, and includes necessary blood tests, an eye check-up, and a referral for an X-ray if needed. Non-polyclinic patients are required to come with an X-ray answer.


For outpatients, the price includes psychiatric and family doctor's certificates and consultations. Non-polyclinic patients are required to bring a certificate for 10 years of attendance. The polyclinic can collect the necessary certificates at set prices.

Applies to patients who have not subscribed to the polyclinic, who are not covered by compulsory health insurance, who do not have a doctor's referral for a consultation or examination; when the referral does not comply with the requirements laid down by legislation; when the disease specified in the referral is not on the list of reimbursable diseases (e.g. in the case of MRI scans); when the referral's validity period (180 days) has expired.

NURSING PROCEDURESPrice, EURPrice, EUR (for PSDF-insured patients - patients registered with the clinic)
Taking blood10 €-
Intravenous injection10 €-
Injections into the skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles10 €-
Drip infusion (needle/intravenous catheter)35 €Bring your own supplies and medicines
Wound dressing15 €Bring your own supplies and medicines
Tropical ulcer and/or other wound care; pressure ulcer care 1k.20 €-
Ear washing15 €-
Slime15 €-
Removing a tick12 €-
Removing a plaster bandage10 €-
Electrocardiogram (ECG)13 €-
Extraction of yarns15 €-
Urine and faeces cup (for non-extra patients)1 €1 €
DIRECTIONS**Price, EurPrice, EUR (for patients insured by PSDF - patients registered with the clinic)
Tick-borne encephalitis vaccination (adults)36 €32 €
Tick-borne encephalitis vaccination (children)35 €30 €
Paid seasonal influenza vaccination28 €23 €
Paid pneumococcal vaccination150 €120 €
Vaccination with a paid HPV vaccine200 €170 €
Vaccination service for uninsured persons3 €-

The Clinic may, without prior notice, change the prices of services, provide new services, new content, or not provide certain services.

* the vaccine requires a doctor's appointment and advance ordering, and the price may vary from the supplier's prices at the time.

** Prices are subject to change depending on the prices offered by the supplier.

The change in prices shall take effect from the Director's Order No.2024/0102-0

StudyPrice, EurNotes

Primary screening programme for women

The testing programme consists only of the
most importantly, laboratory tests.
Assesses pancreatic and kidney function, blood
fat and sugar levels,
thyroid function.

34 €Alpha - amylase
Alanine aminotransferase (GPT, ALT)
Aspartate aminotransferase (GOT, ASAT)
Complete blood count
Total bilirubin
Bilirubin direct
Serum glucose levels
Free thyroxine (FT4)
Thyrotropic hormone (TTH)

Average testing programme for women

Average testing time
for women. The programme consists of the
the most important and most commonly prescribed
laboratory tests. Blood tests
cells, urine composition, liver
enzymes, kidney function indicators,
blood fats and sugars, inflammation
indicator, basic electrolytes,
thyroid hormones and vitamin D.

 48 €Alpha-amylase
Total protein
Complete blood count
Total urine test
Microscopy of whole blood
Total bilirubin
Bilirubin direct
HDL - cholesterol
ENG (erythrocyte sedimentation rate)
Gammagglutamyltransferase (GGT)
Aspartate aminotransferase (GOT, ASAT)
Alanine aminotransferase (GPT, ALT)
Free thyroxine (FT4)
LDL - Cholesterol
Uric acid
Thyrotropic hormone (TTH)
Vitamin D

Extended screening programme for women

It is a programme consisting mainly of laboratory tests for those who want a "whole body" test. Tests include: blood cells, urine composition, liver enzymes, kidney function indicators, blood fats and sugars, inflammation indicators, key electrolytes, thyroid hormones, vitamin D. In addition to the most important and commonly prescribed laboratory tests, the programme also includes less frequent tests to assess the cardiovascular system, cancer markers and more.

95 €Alpha-amylase
Total protein
Complete blood count
Total urine test
Microscopy of whole blood
Total bilirubin
Bilirubin direct
CA 125 (ovarian cancer marker)
CA 15-3 (breast cancer marker)
CA 19-9 (marker for pancreatic cancer)
CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen)
C-Reactive Protein (CRB)
High sensitivity CRB
HDL - cholesterol
Gammagglutamyltransferase (GGT)
Aspartate aminotransferase (GOT, ASAT)
Alanine aminotransferase (GPT, ALT)
Free thyroxine (FT4)
LDL - cholesterol
Uric acid
Thyrotropic hormone (TTH)
Vitamin D

Female hormone programme

If you need a comprehensive hormone test, we recommend the following female hormone programme, which is made up of the sex hormones produced in a woman's body.

45 €Sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG)
Free thyroxine
Thyrotropic hormone (TTH)

Primary screening programme for men

The examination programme consists of only the most important laboratory tests. It includes pancreatic and kidney function, blood fat and sugar levels, and a marker for prostate cancer.

31 €Complete blood count
Alanine aminotransferase (GPT, ALT)
Aspartate aminotransferase (GOT, ASAT)
Total bilirubin
Bilirubin direct
HDL - cholesterol
LDL - cholesterol
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA)

Average testing programme for men

Average testing programme for men. The programme consists of the most important and commonly prescribed laboratory tests. The tests include blood cells, urine composition, liver enzymes, kidney function indicators, blood fats and sugars, inflammation indicator, key electrolytes, prostate cancer marker and vitamin D.

 48 €Alpha-amylase
Total protein
Complete blood count
Total urine test
Microscopy of whole blood
Total bilirubin
Bilirubin direct
HDL - cholesterol
ENG (erythrocyte sedimentation rate)
Gammagglutamyltransferase (GGT)
Aspartate aminotransferase (GOT, ASAT)
Alanine aminotransferase (GPT, ALT)
LDL - Cholesterol
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA)
Uric acid
Vitamin D

Advanced testing programme for men

It is a programme consisting mainly of laboratory tests for those who want a "whole body" test. Tests include: blood cells, urine composition, liver enzymes, kidney function indicators, blood fats and sugars, inflammation indicators, key electrolytes, prostate cancer markers, vitamin D. In addition to the most important and commonly prescribed laboratory tests, the programme also includes less frequent tests to assess the cardiovascular system, other cancer markers and more.

89 €Alpha-amylase
Total protein
Complete blood count
Total urine test
Microscopy of whole blood
Total bilirubin
Bilirubin direct
CA 19-9 (marker for pancreatic cancer)
CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen)
C-Reactive Protein (CRB)
High sensitivity CRB
HDL - cholesterol
Gammagglutamyltransferase (GGT)
Aspartate aminotransferase (GOT, ASAT)
Alanine aminotransferase (GPT, ALT)
Free PSA
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA)
Uric acid
Thyrotropic hormone (TTH)
Vitamin D

Screening programme for children

The screening programme consists of a set of tests that will assess your child's health status and risk of developing common diseases.

34 €

Complete blood count

Total urine test

Total protein






Calcium ionised




Vitamin D total


Initial thyroid screening programme

Tests for the main 4 thyroid hormones, which not only show thyroid function but also test for antibodies against the thyroid gland.

25 €Free thyroxine (FT4)
Free triiodothyronine (FT3)
Thyroid microsomal antibodies (ATPO)
Thyrotropic hormone (TTH)

Advanced Thyroid Screening Programme

The programme consists of 6 key hormones and proteins that indicate thyroid function. It provides information not only on increased or decreased thyroid function, but also on immune damage to the thyroid gland, and possible tumour damage to the thyroid gland.

48 €Free thyroxine (FT4)
Free triiodothyronine (FT3)
Thyroid microsomal antibodies (ATPO)
Thyrotropic hormone (TTH)
Anti-TG (anti-thyroglobulin antibody)

Initial liver and bile testing programme

Basic blood tests (liver enzymes and bile pigment) that reflect liver function and liver cell damage.

9.5 €Total bilirubin
Bilirubin direct
Gammagglutamyltransferase (GGT)
Aspartate aminotransferase (GOT, ASAT)
Alanine aminotransferase (GPT, ALT)
Alkaline phosphatase

Advanced liver and bile testing programme

Comprehensive liver function test programme consisting of liver enzymes, two bile pigments and other tests to help assess liver cell damage and reserve liver function.

12.5 €Complete blood count
Total protein
C-Reactive Protein (CRB)
Total bilirubin
Bilirubin direct
Gammagglutamyltransferase (GGT)
Aspartate aminotransferase (GOT, ASAT)
Alanine aminotransferase (GPT, ALT)
Prothrombin (SPA)
Alkaline phosphatase

Liver screening programme (for drug, alcohol and poisoning users)

Alcohol, drugs or poisoning often damage liver cells, which must cleanse our bodies of the toxic substances they produce. The testing programme will help to assess the possible liver damage, its severity, liver reserve function, etc.

64 €Complete blood count
Total bilirubin
Bilirubin direct
Gammagglutamyltransferase (GGT)
Aspartate aminotransferase (GOT, ASAT)
Alanine aminotransferase (GPT, ALT)
Prothrombin (SPA)
CDT (disialotransferrin) test

Initial renal function assessment programme

It assesses inflammatory urinary tract diseases, baseline renal function, early markers of renal dysfunction, and renal glomerular membrane permeability.

10 €Complete blood count
Total urine test
C-Reactive Protein (CRB)

Advanced Renal Function Assessment Programme

It assesses inflammatory urinary tract diseases, baseline renal function, early markers of renal dysfunction, and renal glomerular membrane permeability.

28 €Total protein
Complete blood count
Total urine test
Parathyroid hormone
Calcium ionised
C-Reactive Protein (CRB)

Well-being Screening Programme

The investigation programme includes important tests that will show why the power has gone? No longer have the energy you used to have? Perhaps you are deficient in vitamin D or have too much glucose in your system. Pancreatic and kidney function is assessed.

 35 €Complete blood count
Thyrotropic hormone (TTH)
Total protein
Alanine aminotransferase (GPT, ALT)
Aspartate aminotransferase (GOT, ASAT)
Vitamin D

Vitamin and micronutrient testing programme

If dietary supplements are of good quality and taken properly, they can help to improve health - otherwise they can do little or no harm. Therefore, when starting to take additional vitamins and micronutrients, it is advisable to check what and how much your body lacks. This blood testing programme also helps to control overdoses of these substances.
Anyone who takes vitamin and micronutrient supplements is advised to get tested.

65 €Total protein
Folic acid
Total calcium
Calcium ionised
Vitamin B12
Vitamin D

Chronic fatigue screening programme

You console yourself that all you need is a good night's sleep and the tiredness will go away. But it goes on, and it has been going on for months. Then it is clear that chronic fatigue has developed. You may also suffer from nervous tension, sleep disturbances, headaches, short-term memory problems, difficulty concentrating at work, etc.
The Chronic Fatigue Screening programme helps you find out which bodily functions need to be restored in a hurry. This can be shown by 19 tests carried out with a single blood draw. The tests include: blood cells, blood fats, relevant enzymes, hormones, electrolytes, etc.

45 €Alanine aminotransferase (GPT, ALT)
Aspartate aminotransferase (GOT, ASAT)
Complete blood count
Gammagglutamyltransferase (GGT)
Free thyroxine (FT4)
Parathyroid hormone
Alkaline phosphatase
Thyrotropic hormone (TTH)

Problematic skin testing programme

Rashes, redness, dryness, dryness, scaling, flaking or other irregularities - these are not only the reactions of our skin to unfavourable environmental factors, but also reflect problems in our internal organs. Skin problems are caused by a wide range of reasons, which can be identified by 16 tests carried out once after a single blood draw. Changes in levels of key hormones, allergies, inflammatory reactions, vitamin D levels, blood cells, etc. are all tested.

68 €Alanine aminotransferase (GPT, ALT)
Complete blood count
Detection of nuclear antigen antibodies (ANA)
C-Reactive Protein (CRB)
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA-SO4)
Gammagglutamyltransferase (GGT)
Immunoglobulins E (IgE)
Free thyroxine (FT4)
Alkaline phosphatase
Sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG)
Thyroid microsomal antibodies (ATPO)
Thyrotropic hormone (TTH)
Vitamin D

Hair loss testing programme

We always want to enjoy healthy and shiny hair, but what if it suddenly starts to fall out? The first thing to do is to urgently find out what is causing this disorder. This is where the 12 tests, which are carried out with a single blood draw, come in. Blood cells, ferritin, vitamin D, glucose, magnesium, enzymes, thyroid, pituitary and sex hormones are tested, and the possibility of syphilis and autoimmune diseases of the thyroid gland is assessed.

50 €Alanine aminotransferase (GPT, ALT)
Complete blood count
Alkaline phosphatase
Thyroid microsomal antibodies (ATPO)
Thyrotropic hormone (TTH)
Treponema pallidum IgM and IgG antibodies (syphilis)
Vitamin D

Cardiology (heart) programme

It is designed to assess the state of the cardiovascular system and the risk of heart attack or stroke in the near future. It also assesses the essential electrolytes needed for the smooth functioning of the heart

30 €Complete blood count
High sensitivity CRB
HDL - cholesterol
Prothrombin time (SPA/NR)
Thyrotropic hormone (TTH)

Gastrointestinal screening programme

great concern should be expressed when frequent digestive disturbances such as bloating and abdominal pain, heartburn, feelings of premature satiety or "indigestion", irregular bowel movements, etc. are experienced. A special blood and stool testing programme allows you to assess the digestive system causes. Blood cells, enzymes and proteins to assess inflammation, the Helicobacter Pylori antigen in faeces and the presence of occult bleeding are tested.

26 €Alanine aminotransferase (GPT, ALT)
Aspartate aminotransferase (GOT, ASAT)
Complete blood count
Total bilirubin
Bilirubin direct
C-Reactive Protein (CRB)
Gammagglutamyltransferase (GGT)
Detection of Helicobacter pylori antigen in faeces
Pancreatic amylase
Alkaline phosphatase
Detection of occult bleeding in faeces (iFOBT)

Screening programme for children

The screening programme consists of a set of tests that will assess your child's health status and risk of developing common diseases.

34 €Complete blood count
Total urine test
Total protein
Calcium ionised
Vitamin D total

Testing programme before hepatitis B vaccination

Hepatitis B vaccination is recommended for several reasons: 1. to make sure there is no active hepatitis B virus in the body; 2. to make sure that the body has already developed immunity against hepatitis B virus.

18 €Hepatitis B virus (HBV) HBcor antibody
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) HBs antibodies

Polycystic ovary syndrome screening programme

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) disrupts the production of sex hormones and their ratio (male sex hormones increase and female sex hormones decrease). The programme consists of a list of the main hormones that are tested for when polycystic ovary syndrome is suspected.

30 €Folitropin
Sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG)

Pre-cancerous ovarian and uterine screening programme

The programme consists of key cancer markers that increase in levels with ovarian or uterine cancer. PS: These cancer markers cannot be performed for prophylaxis. Cancer markers are used to clarify the diagnosis and to monitor the progress of cancer treatment.

50 €CA 125 (ovarian cancer marker)
CA 19-9 (marker for pancreatic cancer)
CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen)
Epithelial ovarian cancer marker (HE-4)
ROMA index

Pre-cancerous Advanced Ovarian and Uterine Screening Programme

The programme consists of cancer markers that are most commonly elevated in ovarian and uterine cancers. P.S: These cancer markers cannot be performed for prophylactic purposes. Cancer markers are used to clarify the diagnosis and to monitor the progress of cancer treatment.

85 €Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP)
CA 125 (ovarian cancer marker)
CA 19-9 (marker for pancreatic cancer)
CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen)
Chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)
Epithelial ovarian cancer marker (HE-4)
ROMA index

Pre-cancer screening programme for women

For women only, screening for breast, ovarian, uterine and pancreatic cancers. P.S.: These cancer markers cannot be performed for prophylactic purposes. Cancer markers are used to clarify the diagnosis and to monitor the progress of cancer treatment.

65 €CA 125 (ovarian cancer marker)
CA 15-3 (breast cancer marker)
CA 19-9 (marker for pancreatic cancer)
CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen)
Epithelial ovarian cancer marker (HE-4)
ROMA index

Pre-cancer screening programme for men

For men only - pancreatic, common and prostate cancer markers are tested. P.S. Only PSA can be performed as a prophylactic measure. Other cancer markers cannot be tested for prophylaxis. Cancer markers are used to clarify the diagnosis and to monitor the course of cancer treatment.

40 €Alpha - photoprotein (AFP)
CA 19-9 (marker for pancreatic cancer)
CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen)
Free PSA
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA)

TORCH Infections Programme (pregnancy planning)

If you are planning a pregnancy, make sure you have immunity to the most important infections that cause birth defects in your baby?

28 €CMV IgG (cytomegalovirus IgG antibody)
Rubella IgG
Toxoplasma IgG antibodies

Diabetes screening programme

Diabetes is the disease of the 21st century! The programme is not only for people with diabetes, but also for those who want to get tested for prevention. It will provide information not only on blood sugar (glucose), but also on the main hormone insulin and the three-month average of blood sugar.

28 €C-peptide
Glycosylated haemoglobin

Rheumatic Disease Screening Programme

If you suffer from joint and muscle pain, swelling, uncomfortable sensations from changes in the weather, etc., the Rheumatic Diseases Programme will help you to determine whether your ailments are caused by rheumatic diseases. The programme will help you to assess the inflammation, its severity and the underlying causes of rheumatic diseases.

85 €Antistreptolysin-O (ASO)
Protein electrophoresis
Total protein
Complete blood count
Detection of cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies (anti-CCP)
Detection of nuclear antigen antibodies (ANA)
Neutrophil cytoplasmic antigen antibody (ANCA) detection
C-reactive protein (CRB)
Rheumatoid factor (RF)
Uric acid

Anaemia screening programme

An anaemia or anaemia programme. The diagnosis of anaemia, iron levels, iron stores, vitamin B deficiency and folic acid deficiency are advised.

24 €Complete blood count
Microscopy of a complete blood count

Overweight testing programme

There can be many causes of being overweight. The programme will allow you to assess the underlying causes of overweight (hormonal disorders, metabolic disorders, diabetes).

30 €Cholesterol
HDL - cholesterol
Glycosylated haemoglobin
Thyrotropic hormone (TTH)

Examination programme for active sports

When exercising actively, it is important to assess anaemia, iron stores, risk of cardiovascular disease, and micronutrient and vitamin levels. Only a balanced body can maintain good physical shape.

48 €Complete blood count
High sensitivity CRB
HDL - cholesterol
Thyrotropic hormone (TTH)
Gammagglutamyltransferase (GGT)
Aspartate aminotransferase (GOT, ASAT)
Alanine aminotransferase (GPT, ALT)
Prothrombin (SPA)
Alkaline phosphotase
LDL - cholesterol
Vitamin D

Examination programme for dieters, vegetarians, vegans

Anyone following a diet, especially for a long period of time (3 months or more), needs to know how balanced their diet is, whether they have lost essential micronutrients and vitamins, and whether their diet is sufficient. All these questions will be answered by the diet screening programme.

40 €Complete blood count
HDL - cholesterol
LDL - cholesterol
Vitamin D

Student Health Screening Programme

The Pupil Screening Programme recommends preventive testing for children up to the age of 18, which is an excellent opportunity to prepare health information for school or kindergarten health certificates. The purpose of this programme is to assess a child's general health and risk of common diseases.

21 €Complete blood count
Total urine test
Total protein
Vitamin D

Blood-borne diseases programme

Hepatitis B and C, syphilis, HIV - these deadly infections are not stopped by social status. Infections are spread through blood-borne infections from tattooing, piercing, manicure, pedicure, invasive medical procedures, injecting drugs, and sexual contact. Many infected people do not even suspect at first that they are carrying a serious disease infection. Infections can be screened for with a single blood draw and 7 tests.

40 €Hepatitis B virus (HBV) HBcor antibodies (anti-HBcor)
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) HBs antibodies (anti-HBs)
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) HBsAg antigen
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) antibodies (anti-HCV)
RPR quantitative reaction (syphilis)
Treponema pallidum IgM and IgG antibodies (syphilis)
Detection of HIV type 1/2 antibodies and p24 antigen

Acute and chronic cough screening programme

It is a serious concern if the cough persists for more than two or three weeks without finding the cause. You can find out what treatment to take by taking 7 tests from one blood sample.

40 €Complete blood count
Chlamydia pneumoniae IgG
Chlamydia pneumoniae IgM
C-Reactive Protein (CRB)
Immunoglobulins E (IgE)
Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgG
Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgM

Testing programme for children with COVID-19 infection

COVID-19 has proven to be a very insidious disease, with the potential to cause long-term residual health effects. Up to 50 % individuals with acute COVID-19 infection suffer from various ailments for months to six months. Children are also affected, but symptoms may differ from adults. Children with COVID-19 infection have more difficulty with school or homework and often have to miss sports. Children cannot fall asleep or find it physically difficult to walk or to bear even light physical exertion. Other children suffer headaches, dizziness, shortness of breath and other symptoms that worry adults.

22 €Alanine aminotransferase (GPT, ALT)
Aspartate aminotransferase (GOT, AST)
Automated haematology (blood) test (BKT)
Total bilirubin
C-reactive protein (CRB)
Vitamin D total

Testing programme for COVID-19 infection

Up to 50 % individuals with acute COVID-19 infection suffer from various ailments for months to six months. If you experience the symptoms listed below after your illness, we recommend a programme of carefully selected laboratory tests for COVID-19 patients by our specialists. We also recommend them for people who have had the disease but do not experience symptoms.
The tests offered by the main programme will assess your general health, thyroid, kidney and liver function, detect possible inflammatory processes, and determine your risk of thrombosis (blood clots).

35 €Alanine aminotransferase (GPT, ALT)
Aspartate aminotransferase (GOT, AST)
Automated haematology (blood) test (BKT)
Total bilirubin
C-reactive protein (CRB)
Gammaglutamyltransferase (GGT)
Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)
Alkaline phosphatase
Thyrotropin (TTH, TSH)

COVID-19 testing programme (extended)

COVID-19 has proven to be a very insidious disease, with the potential to cause long-term residual health effects. Up to 50 % individuals with acute COVID-19 infection suffer from various ailments for months to six months. If you experience the symptoms listed below after your illness, we recommend our programme of carefully selected laboratory tests for COVID-19 infection. We also recommend them for people who have had the disease but are not experiencing symptoms. For those who opt for the extended programme, we will additionally assess the risk of heart failure and blood levels of essential vitamins. These tests can help you to prevent the development or exacerbation of serious diseases caused by COVID-19.

80 €Alanine aminotransferase (GPT, ALT)
Aspartate aminotransferase (GOT, AST)
Automated haematology (blood) test (BKT)
Total bilirubin
C-reactive protein (CRB)
Folic acid (vitamin B9)
Gammaglutamyltransferase (GGT)
Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)
Alkaline phosphatase
Thyrotropin (TTH, TSH)
Vitamin B12
Vitamin D total
Coeliac screening programme130 €Immunoglobulins A (IgA)
Tissue transglutaminase antibodies (anti-tTG) IgA
Tissue transglutaminase antibodies (anti-tTG) IgG
IgG antibodies against deamidated gliadin peptide (Anti-DGP IgG)
IgA antibodies to deamidated gliadin peptide (Anti-DGP IgA)
Endomysium antibody (EMA) IgG
Detection of the DQ2/DQ8 haplotypes for celiac disease (PCR)
Thrombophilia screening programme140 €Lupus anticoagulant test (screening)
Lupus anticoagulant test (confirmatory)
IgG class antibodies to cardiolipin (AKA IgG)
IgM class antibodies to cardiolipin (AKA IgM)
APC-R (Activated Protein C Resistance)
IgG antibodies to beta2-glycoprotein 1 (Anti-b2-GP1 IgG)
IgM class antibodies to beta2-glycoprotein 1 (Anti-b2-GP1 IgM)


ServicePrice, Eur
Consultation40€ - 50 €
Intraspinal injection of hyaluronic acid199 €

Diagnostic support includes the necessary laboratory and pathological tests, the prices of which are specified in the "UAB Žaliakalnis polyclinic laboratory tests price list".

Dermatovenerologist consultation 50 €
Re-consultation by a dermatovenereologist 35 €
Dermatovenerologist consultation for uninsured Ukrainians without any procedures 35 €*
Dermoscopy of a single skin lesion 20 €
5 Dermoscopy of skin formations 25 €
Skin biopsy 35 €
Histological examination of the mass 40 €
Infiltration anaesthesia 15 €
Local anaesthesia with cream 10 €
Local anaesthesia 30 €
Facial mesotherapy for acne (without anaesthesia) From 90 €
Scalp mesotherapy for hair loss From 115 €
Plasmolifting (without anaesthesia) From 250 €
Contact 15 €
Removing threads 10 €
Mesotherapy (+face, décolleté, neck, hands) From 59 € for 4 treatments - 199 €
PRP 1 procedure 250 € Sale 110 € for 4 purchases - 440 € Sale 390 €
Dr Cyj 1 ml 1 procedure 200 € Sale 110 € for 4 purchases - 440 € Sale 390 €
PACKAGE 3 PRP + 3 Dr.Cyj 749 € Sale! 669 €
Mesotherapy for face/neck/bottom From 69 € for 4 treatments - 209 €
Mesotherapy for head hair From 59 € for 4 treatments - 199 € 
1 zone 120 € Sale 99 €
2 zones 210 € Sale 179 €
3 zones 310 € Sale 239 €
Treatment of sweating 300 € Sale from 260 € for women. For men from 290 €
Treatment of bruxism From 209 €
Gummy smile From 119 €
Each additional unit of botulinum toxin 2 €
Juvederm Volite 1ml 250 €
Profilo 2ml 250 €
Suneka Performo 230 €
Suneka 1200 250 €
Xela Rederm 1,1%

1,1% 2ml - 230 € 1ml - 179 €

1.8% 1ml - 200 € 2ml - 250 €

2,2% 1ml - 220 €

Beloteros revive 1ml 200 €
Filorga universal+NCTF 135 HA 700 €
Filorga Volume+NSTF 135 HA 800 €
Acid facial cleansing 55 €
Combined facial cleansing 60 €
CHOLLEY Face Lifting Treatment 90 €
Brightening treatment with vitamin C 60 €
Lip plumping, volumising (1ml) From 190 €
Needle/cannula wrinkle filling From 200 €
Correction of the angle of the lower jaw with a needle/cannula From 350 €
Cheek correction with needle/cannula From 300 €
Dissolving hyaluron (hyaluronidase injections) From 120 €
Biorevitalization From 179 €
Filorga Universal 1,2ml 300 €
Filorga Fine lines 1ml 210 €
Filorga Lips soft 1ml 210 €
Filorga Voluma 1,2ml 350 €
Restilyne Refine 1ml 280 €
Restilyne Lift 1ml 300 €
Restilyne Vital 1ml 230 €
Restilyne Vital light 1ml 170 €
Restilyne Kiss 1ml 250 €
Belotero Volume 1ml 300 €
Belotero Lips 0,6ml 210 €
Belotero Balance 1ml 240 €
Belotero Intense 1ml 280 €
Radiesse calcium hydroxyapatite injection 1,5ml 400 €
Teosyal Redensity 2 250 €
Injections are made with a cannula + 20 €
Scar treatment with Kenalog injections (price for 1 scar) 45 €
Be Filler Fine 190 €
Be Filler Medium 200 €
EGF Genesis 179 €
Mesoglow 59 €
Rejuveyes 69 €
Nefertiti lift 69 €
GSH+C1000 69 €
Ascorbix 20 69 €
DQ hair + 59 €
Disolvidase 120 €
Apriline Forte 190 €
1 nitrogen removal of the derivative 15 €
Nitrogen removal of 2 - 5 derivatives 40 €
Removal of >5 derivatives 60 €
Surgical removal of single skin lesions (moles, warts, papillomas) up to 3 mm (1 lesion, without anaesthesia, without histological examination, without suturing) 20 €
Removal of single skin lesions (moles, warts, papillomas) up to 3 mm (1 lesion, without anaesthesia, without histological examination, without suturing) 20 €
Radiofrequency removal of most skin lesions on the body up to 3 mm (first lesion, no histological examination, no anaesthesia, no suturing) 13 €
Radiofrequency removal of most skin lesions on the body up to 3 mm (other lesions, without histological examination, without anaesthesia, without suturing) 8 €
Removal of multiple skin lesions in the periorbital area, on the face, eyelids, neck area by radiofrequency up to 3 mm (first lesion, without anaesthesia, without histological examination, without suturing) 13 €
Removal of multiple skin lesions in the periorbital area, on the face, eyelids, neck area by radiofrequency up to 3 mm (other lesions, without anaesthesia, without histological examination, without suturing) 8 €
Surgical removal of single skin lesions (moles, warts, papillomas) up to 5 mm (1 lesion, without anaesthesia, without histological examination, without suturing) 40 €
Removal of single skin lesions (moles, warts, papillomas) up to 5 mm (1 lesion, without anaesthesia, without histological examination, without suturing) 40 €
Removal of multiple skin lesions on the body by radiofrequency up to 5 mm (first lesion, without histological examination, without anaesthesia, without stitching) €10 20 €
Radiofrequency removal of most skin lesions on the body up to 5 mm (other lesions, without histological examination, without anaesthesia, without suturing) 10 €
Removal of multiple skin lesions in the periorbital area, on the face, eyelids, neck area by radiofrequency up to 5 mm (first lesion, without anaesthesia, without histological examination, without suturing) 30 €
Removal of multiple skin lesions in the periorbital area, on the face, eyelids, neck area by radiofrequency up to 5 mm (other lesions, without anaesthesia, without histological examination, without suturing) 15 €
Surgical removal of single skin lesions (moles, warts, papillomas) up to 1 cm (1 lesion, without anaesthesia, without histological examination, without suturing) 120 €
Removal of single skin lesions (moles, warts, papillomas) up to 1 cm (1 lesion, without anaesthesia, without histological examination, without suturing) 120 €
Radiofrequency removal of most skin lesions on the body up to 1 cm (first lesion, no histological examination, no anaesthesia, no suturing) 90 €
Radiofrequency removal of most skin lesions on the body up to 1 cm (other lesions, without histological examination, without anaesthesia, without suturing) 60 €
Removal of multiple skin lesions in the periorbital area, face, eyelids, neck area by radiofrequency up to 1 cm (first lesion, without anaesthesia, without histological examination, without suturing) 150 €
Removal of multiple skin lesions in the periorbital area, on the face, eyelids, neck area by radiofrequency up to 1 cm (other lesions, without anaesthesia, without histological examination, without suturing) 85 €
Removal of nevus, keratoses, other skin formations on the body (single
derivative price) 30 €
Removal of 2 to 5 pcs. 50 €
Removal of 5 to 10 units. 100 €
Wart removal 1 pc. 20 €
Papilloma removal 1 pc. 15 €
Papilloma removal 2 to 5 pcs. 30 €
Papilloma removal 6 to 10 pcs. 50 €
Removal of infectious mollusc, milium 1pc. 10 €
For local anaesthesia, an additional charge 30 €
Scar treatment with Kenalog injections (price for 1 scar) 45 €

*Prices shall enter into force in accordance with the Director's Order of 01/03/2024.

ServicePrice, Eur
Consultation with a neurologist75 €
Repeat neurological consultation45 €
Neurologist consultation for patients of UAB Žaliakalnis polyclinic50 €
Paravertebral anaesthetic block with anaesthetic and homeopathic remedies 1 time15 €
Paravertebral anaesthetic block with anaesthetic and hydrocortisone 1 time30 €

The change in prices came into force on 7 September 2022 by Order No 2022/0907-01

Service Price, Eur
Consultation with a proctologist 50 €
Repeat proctologist consultation 30 €
Consultation with a surgeon 60 €
Re-consultation by a surgeon 45 €
Histological examination of the mass 40 €
Infiltration anaesthesia 15 €
Local anaesthesia with cream 10 €
Local anaesthesia in proctology From 60 €
Contact 15 €
Removing threads 10 €
Hemorrhoidal node ligation 200 €
Surgery to remove polyps in the anal area From 250 €
Surgical treatment of a thrombosed external haemorrhoidal node under local anaesthesia From 150 €
Reconstructive surgery for rectal fistulas 600 €
Thrombectomy of a thrombosed haemorrhoidal node From 180 €
Polyp removal surgery (anal and anal area) From 100 €
Open haemorrhoid removal surgery (open haemorrhoidectomy) From 950 €
Laser coagulation of external haemorrhoids From 470 €
Laser coagulation of a caudal coccyx cyst From 550 €
Removal of the perianal area (neoplasms, papillomas, warts, etc.) in a single lesion From 70 €
Inserting an enema into the rectum before preparing for surgery 20 €
Residual wrinkle removal surgery 450 €
Surgical treatment of a laceration of the anus From 400 €
Treatment of chronic anal fissure 470 €
Perianal condyloma removal 650 €
Removal of multiple perianal condylomas 850 €
Medical treatment of acute proctological pathology 200 €
Removal of benign tumours of increased complexity (anal verge) 250 €
Rectoromanoscopy 50 €
Anoscopy 30 €
Opening and drainage of subcutaneous paraproctitis From 300 €
Opening and drainage of intrasphincteric paraproctitis 500 €
Opening and draining an ischiorectal abscess 750 €
Hernia operations (open, umbilical, white line (small), postoperative) 1200 €
Surgical excision of an ingrown nail 120-150 €
Removal of benign tumours, cysts, lipomas of the skin - subcutaneous From 200 €
Scar excision From 120 €
Post-operative wound dressing 15-20 €
Postoperative suture removal 10 €
Opening the bleb 100 €
The change in prices came into force by Director's Order No.2024/0102-01
Service Price, Eur *Price, EUR
General blood picture 6,00 10,00
Ascaris lumbricoides IgG 28,00 38,00
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) IgG 10,50 15,50
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) IgM 12,00 18,00
Immunoglobulins A (IgA) 15,00 17,00
Immunoglobulins G (IgG) 14,00 17,00
Immunoglobulins M (IgM) 14,00 17,00
Immunoglobulins E (IgE) 10,00 13,50
Identification of the genetic f. for lactose intolerance 22,50 24,00
Gliadin antibodies IgA 15,00 20,00
Gliadin antibodies IgG 15,00 20,00
IgG antibodies for erectile encephalitis 14,00 18,00
Antibodies to tick-borne encephalitis IgM 14,00 18,00
Lyme disease (Lyme disease) IgG 14,00 18,00
Lyme disease (Lyme disease) IgM 14,00 18,00
Toxocara canis IgG 20,00 26,00
Toxoplasma gondii IgG 13,00 19,00
Toxoplasma gondii IgM 13,00 19,00
Troponin T 65,00 75,00
Vitamin D total 18,00 22,00
Vitamin B12 20,00 25,00
Detection of worm eggs in faeces 5,00 6,00
Microscopic examination of a faecal smear (Coprogram) 10,00 12,00
Covert Bleeding Response (iFobt) 9,00 12,00
Helicobacter pylori antigen test in faeces 16,00 21,00
Detection of Giardia lamblia antigen in faeces 13,00 16,00
Microscopic examination of Demodex fol. mites 8,00 12,00
Microscopic examination of nails (1 subject) for fungi 12,00 18,00
Microscopic examination of skin scrapings for fungi 18,00 25,00
Microscopic examination of hair for fungi 12,00 18,00
Diagnostic faecal culture, negative 14,00 16,00
Skin, nails, hair culture for fungi, negative 18,00 25,00
Oral culture, negative 14,00 18,00
Throat culture, negative 14,00 18,00
Pharyngeal culture, negative 14,00 18,00
Seed from the skin 14,00 18,00
Chlamydia trachomatis (PGR) 14,00 20,00
Gardnerella vaginalis (PGR) 14,00 20,00
Herpes Simplex Virus (SV ½) (PCR) 14,00 20,00
Candida albicans (PGR) 14,00 20,00
*Not for our clinic patients
Service Price, Eur
Primary consultation by an FMR doctor for adults and children (3-18 years) outside our clinic 50 €
Primary consultation by an FMR doctor for adults and children (3-18 years) in our outpatient clinic 40 €
Primary consultation by an FMR doctor for children (0-2 years) outside our clinic 35 €
Primary consultation by an FMR doctor for children (0-2 years) at our outpatient clinic 25 €
Infant exercise, massage, kinesiology taping by FMR doctor 1 time 20 €

*Diagnostic support includes the necessary laboratory and pathological tests, the prices of which are specified in the "UAB Žaliakalnis polyclinic laboratory tests price list".

These prices came into force in accordance with Director's Order No.2024.0102-01

Butoline injectionsPrice, Eur
Horizontal forehead wrinklesFrom 121.00
Crotch 'anger' foldsFrom 108.90
The area around the eyes "goose legs"From 108.90
"Open eyes"From 36.30
Eyebrow liftFrom 84.70
Transverse nasolabial fold48.40
Improving the appearance of the noseFrom 108.90
Reducing chewing muscle hyperactivity (bruxism treatment)From 145.20
Gummy smile - a smile that exposes the gumsFrom 108.90
Chin areaFrom 361.79
Lifting the corners of the lipsFrom 72.60
Neck areaFrom 193.60
Mesobotulinum injections (full face)From 210.54
Mesobotulinum injections (forehead)145.20
"Slim face"290.40
"Nefertite" facelift290.40
Full face: facial harmonisation, upper third - anger, horizontal forehead wrinkles, periorbital "goose bumps", open eyes on request, brow lift, middle, third nasolabial folds, lip "push up" effect, lower third - marionettes, facial oval lifting - "Nefertités lift"544.50
"Baby botox"From 121.00
Correction of profuse sweating (hyperhidrosis)1ml - 2.42
Comprehensive odo renewal with ETWO technology*Price, Eur
Sublime face and body lift prices:
Face, neck446.49
Shape, basement430.76
3 treatments: face, neck1339.47
3 treatments: face, underarms1292.28
Full face277.09
Road area192.39
Abdomen205.70 - 325.49
Prices for Sublative fractional rejuvenation:
All vedas446.49
The area around the eyes430.76
Face and neck169.40

*PRP Plasmolifting - enhances the effects of Sublative (fractional skin rejuvenation) treatments.

Hyaluronic acid injectionsPrice, Eur
Hyaluronic acid fillers with Dives, Belotero SoftFrom 210.54
Hyaluronic acid fillers with peptidesFrom 252.89
Lip plumping, volumising, contouring, filling in small wrinkles around the lips and
From 190*
Dissolving hyaluronic deposits with hyaluronidase injections181.50
Creating the jawline/ shaping the volume of the chin482.79
Contour facial plastic surgery ("Alexa") (lips, cheekbones, nose)301.29

*Price depends on the product and the quantity used.