An endocrinologist is a doctor who specialises in diagnosing and treating health problems related to the body's hormones, the hormonal glands. He or she has specific knowledge of hormone imbalances or problems with the endocrine glands
Endocrinologist consultation
Often people don't realise when it's time to book an appointment with an endocrinologist. However, there are a few early signs that it is time for a visit:
- Signs of obesity
- Sudden weight loss
- Symptoms of diabetes mellitus
- Menstrual cycle disorders without a gynaecological cause
- Increased irritability and general sensitivity
- Altered neck circumference and shape
- Hair loss or increased hairiness
If you experience any of these symptoms, you should at least make a preventive visit to your endocrinologist. This is especially true for people over the age of 35. Thyroid disease usually does not manifest itself immediately - it can take several years for the endocrine disease to fully reveal itself with all its symptoms. However, this should not be waited for, as the longer the delay, the more complex the treatment.
Endocrinologist consultation
Tests by an endocrinologist are necessary to get a clear picture of the causes of unpleasant symptoms. Without tests, your doctor cannot diagnose your illness and prescribe effective treatment, as two different conditions can present with similar symptoms.
Blood tests are the most common way for endocrinologists to find out your hormone status. However, it is important to stress that a single test is usually not enough. It usually needs to be repeated to get a clear accurate result. This is because hormone activity can change depending on the time of day or the stress experienced.