Methods of payment, insurances

Methods of payment, insurances

You can pay for services at Žaliakalnis polyclinic:

  • In cash;
  • Visa, MasterCard, Maestro;

Voluntary health insurance under the terms of your contract with your insurance company - on presentation of your insurance card, the required amount will be deducted from your insurance money. We have agreements with the following insurance companies. If you are covered by another insurance company's voluntary health insurance, we will invoice you.

For a list of the services covered by your insurance company, please refer to your insurance contract.

We would like to point out that patients have to pay for healthcare services that are not covered by their insurance company. We therefore recommend that you check with your insurance expert whether the healthcare services you need will be covered by your insurance contract. Žaliakalnio poliklinika UAB is not responsible for the decisions of insurance companies not to pay for the services provided.

Mūsų klinikoje galite įsigyti paslaugas išsimokėtinai sudarant sutartį su „Inbank“!
Armedikoje medicinos lizingas taikomas:
  • Tyrimams;
  • Gydymui;
  • Odontologinėm paslaugoms;
  • Kitoms medicinos prekėms ir paslaugoms.
Finansavimo paslaugos pacientams:
  • Finansuojamos reikiamas medicinos prekės ar paslaugos nuo 100 iki 10 000 Eur;
  • Sutarties sudarymas užtruks vos keletą minučių;
  • Galimybė pasirinkti tinkamiausią mokėjimo terminą nuo 9 iki 72 mėnesių;
  • Finansavimas suteikiamas nuotoliniu būdu.