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  • We are happy to share a great review about our doctor Bohdan Kindratyshyn, proctologist surgeon !

We are happy to share a great review about our doctor Bohdan Kindratyshyn, proctologist surgeon !

Our patient shared her experience:

"I had a lot of problems with haemorrhoids - they were bleeding a lot. I started looking for a proctologist. And by chance I found a doctor. B. Kindratyshyn. I went for a consultation and found out that I had to have an operation. The doctor explained everything so thoroughly, simply and kindly that I knew I wanted to have surgery with him. I had confidence in him. I have now had an excellent operation and the doctor is still consulting and supervising me. I recommend this doctor to others - he is a high-level specialist, attentive to the patient. I thank him sincerely."

We thank our patient for these kind words and are happy to help! If you are looking for a reliable proctologist, please contact Dr. B. Kindratyshyn - you are in good hands!

More about proctology can be found here
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